University Catalog 2009-2011 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Mexican-American Studies, B.A.
The program in Chicano Studies includes a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mexican-American Studies and a minor in Chicano Studies for students who are majoring in other fields.
The Bachelor of Arts degree is available in four options. Option I, the General Program, is intended for students interested in a liberal arts education; Option II, The Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Program, is designed specifically for students who are interested in the Multiple Subject Teacher Preparation Option. Option III, the Blended Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation option, is designed for students to complete the undergraduate degree program simultaneously with requirements for either a preliminary Elementary Subject Teaching Credential with CLAD emphasis or eligibility for the Education Specialist Internship Credential. Option IV, Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Directed Electives Option, is designed for transfer students and students at CSULA who decide after completing a substantial portion of the regular general education to seek an elementary teaching credential.
The total number of units required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Mexican-American Studies, Option I, General Program, is 180 units, of which 68 units are in the major. Consult with an advisor for the specific number of units required in all areas of the degree including GE and free electives.
Requirements for the Major (68-198 units)
Option I, the General Program, requires a total of 68 units, of which 16 are in lower division and 52 are in upper division courses. Students seeking to combine the study of Chicano studies with elementary subject matter can satisfy both goals by following option II (The Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Program), Option III (The Blended Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation program) or Option IV (The Elementary Subject Matter Teaching Option). Options II and III require the completion of 112 units of a common core. Option II requires 68 additional units specified below for this option. Option III requires the completion of 86 units (20 units of required major area courses, 20 units of depth courses, and 46 units of Professional Educational Credential requirements). Option III requires a total of 198 units for completion. Option IV, the Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option: Directed Electives requires completion of 60 units of General Education at the lower division, 12 units at the upper division and 6 units of graduation requirements (i.e., ENGL 102 and either the Introduction to Higher Education or Transition to Cal State L.A. course). It also requires 60 units in the major with the remaining 42 units as recommended electives for preparation for the CSET examination. Students who pass the CSET exam will have the option of taking other coursework. All options are designed for students to complete the undergraduate degree program simultaneously with requirements for either a California Multiple Subject Teaching or Special Education Internship Credential. Students entering the program should plan their course work with a Chicano Studies adviser. Students seeking a credential should also consult the Charter College of Education. A grade of C or higher is required in all courses used to meet the major requirements for the Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Options (Options II, III, and IV). Option I: General Program (68 units)
Lower Division Required Courses (8 units)
Lower Division Electives (8 units)
Select 8 units from following with adviser approval: Upper Division Required Courses (28 units)
Upper Division Electives (24 units)
Select 24 units from following: Community Dimension (Select 8 units from the following)
- CHS 404 - The Central American Experience in the US (4) also listed as
- LAS 404 - The Central American Experience in the US (4)
- CHS 405 - The Mexican People as Immigrants (4)
- CHS 406 - Latino/a Communities in U.S. Society (4)
- CHS 408 - Comparative Diaspora Studies (4) also listed as
- AAAS 408 - Comparative Diaspora Studies (4) also listed as
- LAS 408 - Comparative Diaspora Studies (4) also listed as
- PAS 408 - Comparative Diaspora Studies (4)
- CHS 409 - U.S. Latinos, Culture, and Global Cities (4) also listed as
- URBA 409 - U.S. Latinos, Culture, and Global Cities (4)
- CHS 423 - Migration, Identity, and Religion (4) also listed as
- LAS 423 - Migration, Identity, and Religion (4) also listed as
- RELS 423 - Migration, Identity, and Religion (4)
- CHS 430 - Chicano Political Behavior (4)
- CHS 445 - History of the Chicano in Los Angeles (4)
- CHS 460 - The Chicano Movement (4) also listed as
- HIST 460 - The Chicano Movement (4)
- CHS 470 - Chicano Educational Issues (4)
- CHS 471 - The History of Chicana/o Education (4)
- CHS 472 - Chicana/o Education: Theory and Research (4)
- CHS 480 - Chicana Feminisms and Women’s Movements (4)
- CHS 485 - Health and Chicano/Latino Families (4)
Cultural Dimension (Select 8 units from the following)
Mexican Dimension (Select 8 units from the following)
Option II and Option III:
Option II, Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option (180 units [68 units, plus 112 Common Core units) and Option III, Blended Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option (198 units [86 units, plus 112 Common Core Units]) Core Courses for Options II and III (112 Units)
University Requirements (2 Units)
Reading, Language and Literature (24 Units)
Critical Thinking (4 Units)
History and Social Science (20 Units)
Visual and Performing Arts (12 Units)
Physical Education and Health (8 Units)
Human Development (12 Units)
Option II: Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option (180 units [68 Units, Plus 112 Common Core units])
Students who select this option must complete a total of 180 units to graduate, of which 112 units must be selected in accord with the Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation program Common Core requirements. In addition, students choosing this Option must complete 68 units, which consist of 20 units of required Major area courses, 20 units of required Depth area courses, 20 units for the completion of general education requirements, and 8 units of electives. Students interested in securing a California Multiple Subject Teaching or Special Education Teaching Credential should consult the Charter College of Education section in Academic Programs for the regulations governing all teacher credential programs. Students completing the requirements of the Common Core, the additional general education requirements listed below, and Option II will have fulfilled all university and general education requirements. Courses for Completion of General Education Requirements for Option II (20 units)
Block C
Select one course each from two areas in Block C (No C1) (8) Upper Division GE Theme (12)
Diversity Requirement:
If not met with the above courses, select 2 diversity courses from general education program Social Science (Mexican-American Studies) Depth Area (20 units)
Electives (8 units)
Students who wish to minimize the time needed to complete the preparation program for the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential are advised to focus these electives on professional education courses. In any event, it is strongly recommended that students see both a teaching credential adviser in the Charter College of Education and their academic subject major a dviser to plan these electives. Option III: Blended Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option (198 units [86 units, plus 112 Common Core units])
Admission This Option is available to students who: - Meet the general university requirements for admission as a first year student or a transfer student; and
- If a transfer student, attain a GPA of at least 2.75 in the last 90 quarter units of coursework.
Students who select this option must complete a total of 198 units to graduate, of which 112 units must be selected in accord with the Elementary Subject Matter Teacher preparation program common core requirements. In addition, students choosing this option must complete 86 units, which consist of 20 units of required major area courses, 20 units of required depth area courses and 46 units of professional education courses. Students interested in securing a California Multiple Subject Teaching or Special Education Internship Credential should consult the Charter College of Education section in Academic Programs for the regulations governing all teacher credential programs. Students completing the requirements of the common core and Option III will have fulfilled all university and general education requirements. Required Professional Education Courses (46 units)
A minimum 2.75 GPA in the last 90 quarter units attempted is prerequisite to enrollment in EDCI 300AB or EDSP 300 . See catalog, Multiple Subject Credential, for additional prerequisites. Students must attain an overall 3.0 GPA in all professional education courses with a minimum C grade in each course. Students should see both a major adviser and a Multiple Subject or Special Education credential adviser regarding completion of the degree and other credential requirements. Select one of the following emphasis:
A. Multiple Subject Teaching Emphasis (46 units) (for a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential)
Required Prerequisite Courses (2 units)
Complete the following 34 units:
Block One (Must be completed before Block Two)
Block Two (Must be completed before Block Three)
Block Three (Must be completed before Block Four)
Directed Teaching Credential Requirements (12 Units)
Block Four (Must attend a mandatory directed teaching meeting prior to enrolling in these courses)
B. Education Specialist Emphasis (eligibility for a Special Education Internship Credential) (46 units)
Completion of this emphasis and passage of the CBEST qualify students for an Internship Credential with verification of employment from a cooperating school district. For a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential, students must complete the additional credential course work in their area of specialization (i.e., mild/moderate disabilities, moderate/severe disabilities, physical and health impairments or visual impairments). Students must consult a special education credential adviser for specific program requirements. Complete the following (38 units)
Internship Emphasis Requirement: Electives (8)
With approval of a credential adviser, complete 8 units of appropriate course work in the area of specialization. Option IV: Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option: Directed Electives (180 units, of which 102 are in the major)
Option IV, Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Directed Electives Option, is designed for transfer students and students at CSULA who decide after completing a substantial portion of the regular general education to seek an elementary teaching credential. This option requires completion of 60 units of General Education at the lower division, 12 units at the upper division and 6 units of Graduation Requirements (i.e., ENGL 102 and either the Introduction to Higher Education or Transition to Cal State L.A.). It also requires 60 units in the major with the remaining 42 units as recommended electives for preparation for the CSET examination. Students who pass the CSET exam will have the option of taking other coursework. Breadth Area (select 20 units from the following)
*These courses are required. Depth Area (select 28 units from the following)
*These courses are required. **This course has a service learning component. Depth Electives (12 units)
Select three additional upper division electives with adviser approval. Directed Electives (42 units)
With adviser approval, students select 42 units from the following courses which are designed to strengthen the students’ preparation for the CSET examination. Students who have passed one or more subtests of the CSET may take, with adviser approval, other courses as electives. Reading, Language, and Literature, History and Social Science
Physical Education, Human Development, Visual and Performing Arts Section