Mar 11, 2025
University Catalog 2009-2011 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Music, M.A.
The Master of Arts degree in Music is offered with three options. The first is designed for students desiring a general degree with breadth in all areas of music. The second focuses upon Music Education and the third is for students seeking a concentration in Musicology. Adjustments in the general option to meet specific interests and abilities may be made in consultation with graduate advisers.
Admission to the Program
In addition to University requirements for admission to graduate study, applicants must have a baccalaureate in music from an accredited college or university. All applicants must take a graduate placement examination in music. In addition, students must seek advisement and have a program filed in the Music Department before being admitted to classified standing.
Requirements for the Degree (45 units)
A total of 45 units is required, including at least 23 in 500-level music courses: a required core of 6 units and 39 units in an option. Students may choose between three options: Option I, General; Option II, Music Education; or Option III, Musicology. Placement in applied music is by audition. Students in all options must take a comprehensive examination. The program concludes with a thesis or project. The Musicology option requires the thesis and a foreign language reading examination. Option I: General (39 units)
Required courses (12 units) to be taken in sequence
Select 4 units from the following: Applied Music or Performance (3 units)
Select 3 units from the following: History (12 units)
Select 12 units from the following: Electives (12 units)
Select 400- or 500-level courses with adviser approval Option II: Music Education (39 units)
Required Courses (16 units)
History and Literature Requirement (4 units)
Select any 400- or 500-level music history course with adviser approval. Track I: Vocal/General Music
Certification Program (12 units)
Select from the following: Orff-Schulwerk Certification
Electives (7 units)
Any 400- or 500-level course may be selected with the adviser’s approval. Track II: Vocal/Choral Music
Required Courses (7 units)
Electives (12 units)
Any 400- or 500-level course may be selected with the adviser’s approval. Track III: Instrumental Music
Required Courses (7 units)
Electives (12 units)
Any 400- or 500-level course may be selected with the adviser’s approval. Option III: Musicology (39 units)
Foreign Language Requirement
The Music Department Foreign Language Reading Examination in French, German, or Italian must be successfully completed prior to advancement to candidacy. Required Courses (12 units)
To be taken in sequence: Applied Music or Performances (3 units)
Select 3 units from the following: History (20 units)
Select 20 units from the following: Electives (4 units)
Music courses in history, theory, independent directed study or related fields outside music with adviser approval. Or the following, if not included in history: