University Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Music, BMus
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The total number of semester units required for the Bachelor of Music degree is 131-132 units, of which 78-79 units are in the major. Consult with the appropriate undergraduate adviser for the specific number of units required in each segment of the degree including GE and free electives. A BM Junior Recital (MUS 3400) is required for Options II, III, IV, V, and VII. A BM Senior Recital is (MUS 4400) is required for all seven options. Students must receive a grade of C or better for core courses in the degree program to satisfy music degree requirements for graduation. Students must be enrolled in applied music during the semester the Senior Recital is performed.
Option I - Composition
Option II - Jazz Studies (Track I - Performance; Track II - Arranging/Composition)
Option III - Vocal Performance
Option IV - Instrumental Performance
Option V - Keyboard Performance
Option VI - Music Education (Track I - Vocal/Choral Teaching; Track II - Instrumental Teaching)
Option VII - Commercial Music (Track I - Performance; Track II - Composition and Arranging; Track III - Music Technology)
Program Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the Bachelor of Music, students will demonstrate the following at a professional entry level:
- Musicianship, technique and artistry appropriate to the major area.
- The ability to form and defend value judgments about music.
- A broad knowledge of repertoire and the ability to perform and/or apply that knowledge in the major area.
- Leadership and collaboration skills on matters of musical performance and interpretation.
- An understanding of procedures for realizing and communicating a variety of musical styles and structures in their historical and cultural contexts.
- An understanding of the role of music in society through performance and/or critical analysis.
Required Core for all Bachelor of Music Options (33 units)
Piano Proficiency Requirement
All students are required to pass a piano proficiency examination, MUS 2033 , or complete MUS 2032 (Class Piano Instruction), before being approved for graduation. Those who are deficient in this area should take appropriate additional course work as recommended by their adviser. Option I - Composition (45 units)
A total of 45 units is required in this option, which prepares students in music composition. Students must successfully complete a BM Senior Recital (MUS 4400 ). Required Courses (29 units)
Ensemble Performance (4 units)
Select from the following: Applied Lessons (4 units)
Select one area of a performance specialty Electives (8 units)
Select upper division music courses with adviser approval from the following: Option II: Jazz Studies (46 units)
A total of 46 units is required in this option, which prepares students in jazz performance production, composition, recording, and conducting. Students must successfully complete a BM Junior Recital (MUS 3400 ) and a BM Senior Recital (MUS 4400 ). Required Courses for Both Tracks (23 units)
Performance Specialty (16 units)
Select one area of a performance specialty Track I: Performance (7 units)
Required Courses (7 units)
Track II: Arranging/Composition (7 units)
Required Courses (7 units)
Option III: Vocal Performance (46 units)
A total of 46 units is required in this option which prepares students to perform art songs, opera, oratorio, and chamber music in the style and manner of the period in which it was written, to demonstrate awareness of poetic song content by translation from foreign languages, and to prepare repertoire and recital programs. Prior to graduation, students prepare and successfully perform a 30-minute BM Junior Recital ( ) and a 50-minute BM Senior recital ( MUS 4400 ) of repertoire from at least four of the following historical periods: Renaissance, Baroque, Classic, Romantic, Modern to 1950 and Post-Modern post 1950. Required Core Courses (20 units)
Foreign Languages (4 units)
Students must take two semesters of a foreign language (8 units). (4) units may count towards the General Education program. Students may test out of this requirement. Electives (6 units)
Please choose from the following courses: Option IV: Instrumental Performance (45 units)
A total of 45 units is required in this option, which prepares students for performance in small ensembles and in band or orchestra. Students study the preparation of repertoire and recital programs. Prior to graduation, students prepare and successfully perform a 30-minute BM Junior Recital (MUS 3400 ) and a 50-minute BM Senior recital (MUS 4400 ) of repertoire from the Renaissance, Baroque, Classic, Romantic, and Contemporary periods. Conducting and Musicology (8 units)
Select two of the following three courses (6 units) Instrumental Course (2 units)
Ensemble Courses (10 units)
With Advisor Approval: Applied Music (16 units)
Select area of specialization: Electives (9 units)
Select from upper division music courses with adviser approval. Option V: Keyboard Performance (46 units)
A total of 46 units are required in this option which emphasizes high standards in performance of solo and ensemble literature. Performance requirements include a BM Junior Recital (MUS 3400 ) and a BM Senior Recital (MUS 4400 ). Required Courses (13 units)
Select 3 units from the following with adviser approval:
Electives (11 units)
Select from upper division music courses with adviser approval. Option VI: Music Education (46 units)
Track I - Vocal/Choral Teaching Track II - Instrumental Teaching A total of 46 units is required in this option which prepares students for careers in Vocal/Choral or Instrumental teaching. Prior to graduation, students prepare and successfully perform a 50-mintute Senior Recital (MUS 4400). Required Courses for Both Education Tracks (18 units)
Applied Music (16 units)
Select one area of specialization (repeat each course for 4 units). Ensemble Courses (8 units)
Select 8 units with Advisor Approval: Track I: Vocal/Choral Teaching (4 units)
Track II: Instrumental Teaching (4 units)
Additional Requirements for the Single Subject Credential (2 units)
In addition to the Bachelor of Music degree program in Music Education (Option VI), the following course is required for the credential, is a prerequisite to directed teaching in music, and may be taken either for elective credit, for the degree outside the major, or in post baccalaureate standing. Refer to the Charter College of Education section in the Academic Programs: College-Based and University-Wide chapter of this catalog for regulations governing all teaching credential programs. Required Courses (2 units)
Option VII: Commercial Music (45 units)
Track I - Performance Track II - Composition and Arranging Track III - Music TechnologyRequired courses for all three tracks (15 units)
Required Courses (2 units)
Ensemble Courses (8 units)
With Advisor Approval: Applied Music (16 units)
Select one area of specialization Electives (Choose 4 units)
Select from upper division music courses with adviser approval. Track II: Composition and Arranging
Composition and Arranging courses
Ensemble Courses (2 units)
Electives (Choose 4 Units)
Track III: Music Technology
Required courses (12 units)
Electives (Choose 6 units)
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