Mar 02, 2025  
University Catalog 2015-2016 (Final Quarter Catalog) 
University Catalog 2015-2016 (Final Quarter Catalog) [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Child Development, B.A.

The Bachelor of Arts Degree in Child Development includes a choice of Two Options: Option I, which prepares students to work as administrators in preschools, day care centers or youth agencies or to gain entry into careers with children and families such as Child Life Specialist or Certified Family Life Educator; or, Option II, Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Program for the California Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. Students may elect to use Option II to complete the undergraduate degree program simultaneously with requirements for either a California Multiple Subject Teaching or Special Education Internship Credential.

The total number of units required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Child Development, Option I, General Option, is 180, of which 101-104 units are in the major depending on specialization selected. Consult with an advisor for the specific number of units required in all areas of the degree including GE and free electives.

The total number of units required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Child Development, Option II, Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation, is 102.

Students entering the program should plan their course work with a Child and Family Studies adviser. Students seeking a credential should also consult the Charter College of Education. Current information is available in the Child and Family Studies Office and on the Department’s web page.

Admission to the Program

There are two pathways for admission to the program, one for matriculated students and one for transfers.

Freshman students are admitted to the university as “Undeclared with an interest in Child Development”. Students need to meet the following requirements and be admitted to the major upon completion of 45 units.

  • Completion of CHDV140 with a grade of “C” or better;
  • Students who attain less than a “C” trade in CHDV 140 may repeat this course only once for the purpose of admission to the program;
  • Completion of 36 quarter (24 semester) units of the 60 units of college general education coursework; and
  • Students must possess a GPA of 2.5 or higher for admission to the major.

Continuing lower division students are eligible to apply to the Child Development major when they have completed 36 quarter (24 semester) of the 60 units of college general education courses. Furthermore, they must complete the following course: CHDV 140 with a grade of “C” or better. Students who attain less than a “C” grade may repeat CHDV 140 only once for the purpose of admission to the program.

Upper division transfer and continuing upper division students, who want to pursue a major in Child and Family Studies, need to meet the following admission criteria: 

  • A minimum cumulative college (transferable) GPA of 2.75 or higher;
  • Completion of at least 90 quarter (60 semester) units of college (transferable) coursework;
  • Completion of CHDV 140 (or the equivalent content courses taken at other educational institutions) with a grade of “C” or better; and
  • Students who attain less than a “C” grade in CHDV 140 may repeat this course only once for the purpose of admission to the program.

Students entering the program should plan their course work with a Child and Family Studies advisor. Students who transfer into CSULA seeking admission to the Child Development major are required to have completed all the General Education courses required for transfer. Students seeking a credential should also consult the Charter College of Education. Child Development majors are required to meet regularly with a department advisor concerning CHDV requirements. Child development courses with less than a “C” grade can only be repeated once. Current information is available in the Child and Family Studies office and on the Department’s web page.

Departmental Honors Program

The child development major includes an honors program for students who have completed at least 16 upper division units in the Child Development core, maintained a minimum 3.5 grade point average, passed the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement, and are recommended and approved by the Child and Family Studies advisers. Applications are available in the Child and Family Studies office E & T 535.

Requirements for the Major (101-104 units)

Option I, the General Option, requires a core of 80 units of lower and upper division courses plus an area of specialization. The Early Childhood Program Administration Specialization requires an additional 24 units; the Youth Agency Administration Specialization requires an additional 24 units; and the Child Life/Hospitalized Child Specialization requires an additional 21 units. Option I requires a total of 180 units for completion.

Option II, Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option, requires completion of 60 units of General Education at the lower division, 12 units at the upper division and 6 units of graduation requirements (i.e., ENGL 102 and either the Introduction to Higher Education, HHS 101, or Transition to Cal State, L.A. course, HHS 301). It also requires 60 units in the major with the remaining 42 units as recommended electives for preparation for the CSET examination. Students who pass the CSET exam will have the option of taking other coursework, which may include courses required for a Multiple Subject or Education Specialist Credential. Students interested in incorporating credential coursework as part of their baccalaureate in order to secure a California Multiple Subject Teaching or Special Education Internship Credential should consult with advisers in both the department of Child and Family Studies and in the Division of Curriculum and Instruction. Information regarding credential programs may be found in the Charter College of Education section in the Academic Programs: College-Based and University-Wide chapter for the regulations governing all Teacher Credential Programs.

Students should plan their programs with careful attention to prerequisites for upper division courses. Some courses that meet General Education requirements are included in the core for Option I. Students in this option should complete these requirements and other general education requirements before proceeding with the major. Students in Option II are subject to the standard General Education requirements, some of which may also be used to prepare for the CSET.

A grade of C or better is required in all courses in the General Option major and in all courses used to meet the major requirements for the Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option.




Option I: General Option (101-104 units)


Core Requirements (80 units)



+ Indicates course meets GE requirement.
* Students following specialization C should take SW 476.
**Open to Honors Program participants only.

Areas of Specialization (21-24 units)


B. Youth Agency Administration (24 units)

With careful planning, students can earn the credit certificate in Youth Agency Administration concurrently with this specialization. Interested students should contact the Youth Agency Administration Director, PE 237 (323) 343-4580. The certificate program is described in the section entitled Youth Agency Administration.

Option II: Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option (180 units, of which 102 are in the major)

Option II, the Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Program requires completion of 60 units of general education at the lower division, 12 units at the upper division and 6 units of graduation requirements (i.e., ENGL 102 and either the Introduction to Higher Education or Transition to Cal State L.A. course). It also requires 60 units in the major with the remaining 42 units as recommended electives for preparation for the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) examination. Students who pass the CSET exam will have the option of taking other coursework.

Major courses (60 units)


Option II prepares prospective teachers for grades K-8.

Since passing the California Subject Examination for Teachers (CSET) is a prerequisite for a teaching credential, students in Option II are expected to prepare for and take the three portions of the CSET: Multiple Subjects at their earliest convenience and report their results to a Child Development advisor. Based on the CSET results and students’ previous coursework, advisors will recommend directed elective courses to help students prepare for any sections of the CSET that have not been passed. A grade of C or higher is required in all courses used to meet the major requirements for the Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Option.

Students who select Option II must complete the following coursework for a total of 180 units: 72 units of General Education Requirements, 6-8 units of University Requirements (i.e., ENGL 102 and either the Introduction to Higher Education or Transition to Cal State, L.A. course),60 units in the major , 40 to 42 units of directed electives from advisor recommended courses (provided the CSET has been passed) or from advisor recommended Elementary Subject Matter courses (if the CSET has not been passed).

Students who pass all sections of the CSET examination may elect to use professional education courses to complete their BA degree. These courses can be applied to towards the completion of a multiple subjects teaching credential.

A: Multiple Subjects CSET Preparation Courses


4. Multiple Subjects CSET Review Course


Professional Education Courses (46 units)

A minimum GPA of 2.75 in the last 90 quarter units is required for enrollment in EDCI 300 or EDSP 300. See catalog, “Multiple Subject Credential” or “Education Specialist Credential,” for additional pre-requisites. An overall 3.0 GPA must be attained in all professional education courses with a minimum grade of “C” in each course. Students should see both a major adviser and a Multiple Subject or Special Education Credential adviser regarding completion of the degree and other credential requirements.

B. Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Courses (46 units)

These courses are for a Multiple Subject (Elementary Education) Teaching Credential.

Directed Teaching Credential Requirements (12 units)

Block Four (must attend a mandatory directed teaching meeting prior to enrolling in these courses.)

C. Education Specialist Courses (46 units)

Completion of these courses and passage of the CBEST qualify students to be eligible for a Special Education Internship Credential with verification of employment from a cooperating school district. For a Preliminary Education Specialist Credential, students must complete the additional credential coursework in their area of specialization (i.e., mild/moderate disabilities, moderate/severe disabilities, physical and health impairments or visual impairments). Students must consult with a Special Education adviser for specific program requirements.

Internship Emphasis Requirement: Specialization (8)

Complete 8 units of appropriate work in the selected area of specialization.