Mar 11, 2025  
University Catalog 2009-2011 
University Catalog 2009-2011 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Pupil Personnel Services Credential

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Advanced Specializations in School Counseling and Child Welfare and Attendance Services

The School Counseling program offers three areas of emphasis, each of which combines the Pupil Personnel Services credential (with Advanced Authorizations in School Counseling and Child Welfare and Attendance Services) with an option of the M.S. Degree in Counseling. These areas of emphasis are designated as follows:

  • Behavior Intervention Case Management: Combines the credential with the M S. Degree in Counseling: Option in Applied Behavior Analysis;
  • School-Based Family Counseling: Combines the credential with M.S. Degree in Counseling: Option in Marriage and Family Counseling.
  • School Counseling Leadership: Combines the credential with the M.S. Degree in Counseling: Option in School Counseling Leadership; and includes the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential as well.

For details on course requirements, see the listings for these combinations under the respective options of the degree, as described earlier.

The program does not routinely offer the credential separately from the masters degree because most career opportunities require the degree. Candidates who already have a Master of Science Degree in Counseling and wish to earn this credential without the accompanying degree should inquire at the Division office about current policy regarding such candidacy, which is based upon available resources and space in required courses.

If resources allow, the requirements for the Pupil Personnel Services credential with Advanced Specializations in School and Child Welfare and Attendance Services, without the master’s degree, involve the completion of the following program with grades of A or B in all courses.

Prerequisites (11 units)

Demonstrated proficiency in statistics, introductory counseling theories and children with special needs. May be met by courses EDFN 452 , COUN 450  and EDSP 400  respectively, or other current or prior course work with adviser approval.


Residency Requirement: Students must complete 18 units at Cal State LA within the required courses for the credential. All courses fulfilling the required program for credential must be competed within 8 years of applying for the credential.

All courses are competency based. Students who fail to meet all course competencies receive less than a B grade. Deficiencies must be cleared in order to obtain a “Letter of Competency” for the affected course. In addition to demonstrating competency in course work and internship, students are required to pass the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) and either pass an oral examination covering the School Counseling competencies or complete requirements for the Master’s degree in Counseling.

Advanced Specializations in School Psychology and Child Welfare and Attendance Services

Course requirements for this credential are identical with those listed above for the M.S. in Counseling: Option in School Psychology except that an oral exit examination may be substituted for the comprehensive examination.

Internship Credential in School Counseling and Child Welfare and Attendance Services

This internship credential allows a student to accept employment as a school counseling intern while completing advanced coursework toward the pupil personnel services credential with advanced authorizations in school counseling and child welfare and attendance.

To be admitted into the school counseling internship credential program, students must:

  1. Meet all University, college and division admission requirements.
  2. Be admitted to one of the M.S. options leading to the Pupil Personnel Services credential (PPS); Behavior Intervention Case Management (BICM), Counseling and Educational Leadership (CEL) or School-Based Family Counseling (SBFC).
  3. Obtain a school district letter of appointment as a school counselor or child welfare and attendance counselor (to be employed at least 50%).
  4. Assure that a written formal “Internship Agreement” between the school district and Cal State LA is on file with both agencies.
  5. Have the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) and the Writing Proficiency Examination (WPE) or approved alternate criteria for the WPE.
  6. Sign a written agreement to make regular progress while serving as an intern, toward fulfilling all requirements for the counseling credential (PPS) and Child Welfare and Attendance authorization (CWA).
  7. Must have completed with a grade of B or better a minimum of 19 units in the following classes: COUN 400A , COUN 501 , 503 , 505 , and 506 .
  8. Must have completed 6 units of practicum in the following classes: COUN 507 , 517 , 523 , and/or 593 . Depending on the option selected, the following courses are recommended:

Behavior Intervention Case Management - COUN 517 and 593
School-Based Family Counseling - COUN 523 (6)
Counseling and Educational Leadership - COUN 507 and 517

  1. Must have completed a minimum of 18 quarter units in residency by taking required classes.
  2. Must hold California Certificate of Clearance.
  3. Must enroll in minimum of three (3) units of fieldwork (COUN 586S ) during each quarter of work as an intern.

School Psychology Internship Credential

This credential allows a student to accept employment as a School Psychology Intern while completing advanced coursework toward the School Psychology option of the M.S. degree in Counseling. Students are not admitted to the School Psychology Internship unless they have met all requirements for the M.S. degree in Counseling: Option in School Psychology, except for the courses COUN 533 , 534 , 535  and 586P , in addition to the requirements described in their School Psychology Internship Manual. Once these requirements are met, the student is eligible for the School Psychology Internship Credential. These remaining courses are taken concurrently with internship (or before) along with regular supervisory meetings with the student’s University supervisor.

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