Sep 23, 2024  
University Catalog 2018-2019 
University Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies (Undergraduate)

All 4000-level courses may be applied toward master’s degree requirements, subject to limits established by the department and approval of the graduate adviser.

  • CLS 4020 - Chicana and Chicano Literature

    Prerequisite: CLS 1500. This course reviews selected Chicano and Chicana literary works. It includes a writing assignment that integrates previous studies in the CLS major in a culminating, interdisciplinary project.     

  • CLS 4030 - Chicanas/os Latinas/os and La Cultura of Public Spaces

    The course addresses public art, music, dance, music, underground hip hop, performance art, urban graffiti, and other forms of creative expression which have fundamentally reshaped the social fabric of cities. Some sections of this course may be offered online.

  • CLS 4080 - The Central American Experience in the US

    (Also listed as LAS 4080)
    Aspects of the Central American experience in the U.S. with emphasis on the transnational connections between the countries of origin and the communities of residence in the U. S.

  • CLS 4100 - Latina/o Communities in U.S. Society

    The Chicano/a experience studied from the comparative perspective of other Latin Americans in the U.S.: Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Central and South Americans.

  • CLS 4110 - Chicanas/os, Latinas/os and Immigration Policy

    This class addresses immigration and migration and their impact on the US since the Mexican American War. Essential components of this nation’s history and political culture will be examined.

  • CLS 4170 - Critical Analysis of Inequality and Educational Policy

    Investigation of the relationship between marginalized groups and education policy. Analysis of past and recent education policy and related court cases impact on marginalized students at all education levels. Some sections of this course may be offered online.

  • CLS 4180 - Public Health Issues in Latina/o Communities

    The course assesses issues confronting Latinas/os including health disparities, access to quality health care, preventive health care, gender, community clinics, and the future of health care for Latino communities.  Some sections of this course may be offered online.

  • CLS 4200 - History of the Chicano People in California

    History of the Chicano People in California since the Paleo- Indian past to the post-industrial present. Examined from a national as well as a global context.

  • CLS 4240 - Exploring Afro-Latino/a Identities

    This course emphasizes Afro-Latino(a) identities bringing together two groups that are often perceived as mutually exclusive categories within racial/ethnic thinking.

  • CLS 4250 - Chicanas & Latinas: Social Movements in the Americas

    This course examines the role of Chicanas and Latinas in power and public policy in the Americas.

  • CLS 4255 - Latinas/os and Social Justice Movements

    The course can address a wide variety of social justice movements in the Chicana/o and Latina/o communities: environmental justice, gentrification, housing, immigration, gender discrimination, racial profiling, educational reform, Latina/o LGBT/LGBTQIA communities, sustainable environmentalism, minorities in academia, and political reform.  Some sections of this course may be offered online.

  • CLS 4260 - The Chicano Movement

    (also listed as HIST 4600)
    Prerequisite: Upper-division standing. Examines the Chicano Movement of the 1960s and 1970s from an interdisciplinary perspective. Topics include: grassroots, student, and youth activism; antiwar movement; La Raza Unida Party; Chicana feminism, and the Chicano cultural renaissance.

  • CLS 4270 - Modern Mexico and the Chicano People

    (also listed as HIST 4670)
    History of modern Mexico and its impact upon the Chicano people from separation from Mexico in 1848 to the present.

  • CLS 4280 - Migration, Identity, and Religion

    (also listed as LAS 4280 and RELS 4280)
    Examines the role of Theology of Liberation and Evangelical Christianity in the lives of Mexicans and Latin Americans intheir home countries as well as immigrants in the US.

  • CLS 4290 - Chicana Feminisms: History, Theory, Praxis

    Also listed as WGSS 4290
    Chicana feminist thought, history, and activism, 1960s to present and Chicana/Latina feminist thought in the US and in a global context.

  • CLS 4300 - Research on Chicana/o Community Problems

    Prerequisites: CHS 1110, ENGL 1020*. Satisfactory completion of WPE, and senior standing. Emphasizes special issues of Mexican/Latino communities. This course requires service learning.

    *Students subject to earlier catalogs satisfy this prerequisite with ENGL 1010 or 1900 Emphasizes special issues of Mexican/Latino communities.

    Grade of C or better in this course satisfies the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement.

  • CLS 4320 - Chicana/o and Latina/o and War on Drugs

    Prerequisites: completion of Blocks A and B4, an additional course from Block B, and at least one course each from Blocks C and D. Critically study American “War on Drugs” policies and their impact on Chicana(o) and Latina(o) communities specifically, and Communities of Color generally. Examines institutionalization of ideologies and social-cultural constructions. Course requires service-learning. This course may be taught as a hybrid course (50% online and 50% face-to-face).  

  • CLS 4490 - Anthropology of Race and Racism

    (Also listed as AAAS 4491, ANTH 4490, and LAS 4490)
    Prerequiste: Upper division standing. This course examines the anthropological ideas of race, its emergence, and its relationship to the constructions of racisms and racializations in comparative settings and in contemporary situations.

  • CLS 4660 - Colonial Mexico

    (Also listed as HIST 4660)
    Social, political, economic, and cultural history of Mexico from the early 16th century through Independence.

  • CLS 4665 - Modern Mexico

    Also listed as HIST 4665
    Social, political, economic, and cultural history of Mexico from Independence to the recent past.

  • CLS 4670 - Modern Mexico and the Chicano People

    Prerequisite: Recommended: CLS/HIST 4660. History of modern Mexico and its impact upon the Chicano people from separation from Mexico in 1848 to the present.

  • CLS 4900 - Special Topics

    Prerequisites: Upper division or graduate standing, permission of instructor. Intensive study of selected areas in Chicano Studies. May be repeated to maximum of 6 units.

  • CLS 4990 - Undergraduate Directed Study

    Prerequisites: Six units in CLS; 2.75 grade point average, upper division or graduate standing; full-time faculty member to serve as sponsor; recommendation of department chairperson. Project selected in conference with sponsor, progress meetings held regularly, and final report submitted. May be repeated to maximum of 6 units.

  • CLS 5050 - Interdisiplinary Seminar in Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies

    Literary genres within Chicano literature in relation to the cultural and social context of Chicanos.

Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies (Graduate)

All 4000-level courses may be applied toward master’s degree requirements, subject to limits established by the department and approval of the graduate adviser.
Classified graduate standing is required for admission to all 5000 level courses.

  • CLS 5010 - Chicana/o Studies and Contemporary Theory

    Development of critical social and cultural theories with emphasis on the production of knowledge about Chicana/o/Latina/o communities.

  • CLS 5030 - Seminar: Research Methods in Chicano Studies

    Analysis of research methods with emphasis on behavioral theory and methodologies applied to special fields of culture, including history, psychology, politics, education, economics, language; current social issues in Chicano/a Latino/a communities.

  • CLS 5100 - Higher Education Teaching Seminar: The Educational Pipeline

    Prerequisite: graduate standing. Interdisciplinary investigation and discussion of teaching and learning with emphasis on Chicana(o)  and Latina(o) students and teaching methods. Examines research and pedagogy in higher education, emphasizing creation  of lesson plans, conducting  lectures.

  • CLS 5960 - Comprehensive Examination

    See the Comprehensive Examination in the requirements for the Masters Degree section of this chapter.

  • CLS 5970 - Graduate Studies

    Prerequisites: Instructor consent to act as sponsor and approval of Associate Dean. Independent research under guidance of faculty member. Acceptable final written report required. May be repeated for credit with approval of instructor and Associate Dean. Graded CR/NC

  • CLS 5980 - Graduate Directed Study

    Prerequisite: Consent of faculty sponsor, approved study prior to registration. Directed reading and critical analysis of advanced topics in Chicano Studies. Regular conference with sponsor. May be repeated for credit to maximum of 6 units.

  • CLS 5990 - Thesis

    Prerequisites: Advancement to candidacy, instructor consent to act as sponsor, departmental approval of topic prior to registration. An oral examination about the thesis is required. Must be repeated to total of 6 units. Graded CR/NC.

Child Development (Undergraduate)

With graduate adviser approval, appropriate 4000-level courses in Child Development-related disciplines may be applied toward requirements for the master’s degree.

  • CHDV 1200 - Intimate Relationships in Our Diverse Society

    (also listed as SOC 1200)

    Develop personal awareness, knowledge and skills in communication, conflict management and interaction principles among intimate partners/friends/family.  Examine intersectional dimensions of gender, LGBT, class, and race/ethnicity within relationships and social ecology. Some sections may be offered in online or hybrid format.



    C-ID  SOCI 130:
    The University course listed above articulates with any California Community College (CCC) course that is approved by the C-ID program and given the corresponding “C-ID Course” designation listed here. The articulation is one-way articulation, meaning the approved community college course will articulate for the indicated course credit at the four-year university. Articulation does NOT apply from the four-year institution to the community college or between the four-year institutions.

    GE E; (d)

  • CHDV 1400 - Development Across the Lifespan (Conception to Adolescence)

    Study of the whole child from conception to adolescence in a dynamic set of diverse contexts; examination of the interaction among biological, social/cultural, and psychological domains from a developmental perspective. Some sections may use technologically mediated instruction.


    C-ID CDEV 100:
    The University course listed above articulates with any California Community College (CCC) course that is approved by the C-ID program and given the corresponding “C-ID Course” designation listed here. The articulation is one-way articulation, meaning the approved community college course will articulate for the indicated course credit at the four-year university. Articulation does NOT apply from the four-year institution to the community college or between the four-year institutions.

    GE D

  • CHDV 1410 - Development Across the Lifespan (Adulthood and Aging)

    Study of adult development from emerging adulthood through the end of life in dynamic and diverse contexts; examination of interaction among biological, social/cultural, and psychological domains from a developmental perspective.  Some sections may be offered as online or hybrid courses.  

    GE D
  • CHDV 2000 - Techniques for the Study of Children

    Prerequisite: Completion of CHDV 1400 with a grade of C or better or by consent of the instructor. Examination of the methods used to study children, with an emphasis on the use of observational techniques and ethical issues in early childhood settings. Observation required weekly.


    C-ID ECE 200:
    The University course listed above articulates with any California Community College (CCC) course that is approved by the C-ID program and given the corresponding “C-ID Course” designation listed here. The articulation is one-way articulation, meaning the approved community college course will articulate for the indicated course credit at the four-year university. Articulation does NOT apply from the four-year institution to the community college or between the four-year institutions.

  • CHDV 2100 - Infant Development

    Prerequisite: CHDV 2000 with grade of C or better. Normative physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development from conception to 2 ½ years of age.  Implications of infant/toddler child care services will be discussed. Lecture 2 hours, activity 2 hours

  • CHDV 2200 - The Young Child

    Prerequisite: Completion of CHDV 2100 with a grade of C or better, or by consent of the instructor. Theoretical and empirical bases for understanding  children from 2 1/2 to 5 years. Two-hour lecture, and participation with children in a supervised setting for ­2 hours weekly.


    C-ID ECE 210:
    The University course listed above articulates with any California Community College (CCC) course that is approved by the C-ID program and given the corresponding “C-ID Course” designation listed here. The articulation is one-way articulation, meaning the approved community college course will articulate for the indicated course credit at the four-year university. Articulation does NOT apply from the four-year institution to the community college or between the four-year institutions.

  • CHDV 2250 - Ethnic Identity and Awareness in Children and Families

    Examines historical, socio-political, and cultural factors of major U.S. immigrant groups. Emphasis placed on family interactions, childrearing, communication, religion, health care, developmental risk and disability, and attitudes towards intervention.


    GE D; (d)

  • CHDV 2300 - Program Design in Early Childhood

    Prerequisites: Completion of CHDV 2100 with a grade of C or better or consent of instructor. Introduction to the historical and theoretical background, characteristics, and connection between philosophy and application of various early childhood program models and approaches.

  • CHDV 2310 - Administration of Preschool and Day Care Programs

    Prerequisites: CHDV 2200 with grade of C or better or permission of instructor. Organization and management of finances, staff, equipment, physical space, and programs. Fulfills partial requirements for the site supervisor child development permit for administrators of early childhood programs. Lecture 2 hours, activity 2 hours.

  • CHDV 2500 - Child, Family, and Community

    Pre-requisites: Completion of CHDV 1400 with a grade of C or better, or by consent of the instructor. Examination of the impacts of environmental settings, significant relationships, and societal issues on the development of children.


    C-ID CDEV 110:
    The University course listed above articulates with any California Community College (CCC) course that is approved by the C-ID program and given the corresponding “C-ID Course” designation listed here. The articulation is one-way articulation, meaning the approved community college course will articulate for the indicated course credit at the four-year university. Articulation does NOT apply from the four-year institution to the community college or between the four-year institutions.

  • CHDV 3210 - Urban Families and Resilience

    Prerequisites: Completion of Blocks A and B4, an additional course from Block B, and at least one course each from Block C and D. Examining the role of diversity in dynamic interactions between culturally diverse families and other institutions in urban environments. Processes of resolving tensions between  urban demands and family resilience.

    UD GE D; (d); (cl)
  • CHDV 3400 - Middle Childhood and Adolescence

    Prerequisites: CHDV 2000 with a grade of C or better or consent of the instructor. Theoretical and empirical bases for understanding children from 6 to 18 years. Some sections (identified in the class schedule) are service learning and require that time be spent each week in a community agency. Some sections may be offered in online or hybrid format.

  • CHDV 3420 - Development of Sexuality across the Lifespan

    Prerequisites: Completion of Blocks A and B4, an additional course from Block B, and at least one course each from Blocks C and D. Developmental understanding of human sexuality across the lifespan, examining social, cognitive, emotional, and physical dimensions of sexuality. Emphasizes multiple external influences and diversity in the concept of sexuality.

    GE UD D; (d)
  • CHDV 3430 - Child and Adolescent Cognition

    Prerequisite: Completion of CHDV 2000 with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor. Cognitive changes from birth to adolescence. Survey of major theories and research on cognitive development. (e.g. perception, memory, language, conceptual organization, logical reasoning, problem solving, and social cognition). Some sections may be offered in online or hybrid format.

  • CHDV 3440 - Family Resource and Case Management

    Values and processes associated with management of family resources, the influence of life events on family resources, and methods for assisting families in accessing needed resources.

  • CHDV 3470 - Culture and Wellness across the Lifespan

    Prerequisites:  Completion of Blocks A and B4, an additional course from Block B, and at least one course each from Blocks C and D. The intersections of culture, health and wellness across the lifespan are examined. The multiple contexts and cultural factors influencing definitions of health and healing are explored.  Culturally informed strategies for promoting wellness are investigated.

    GE UD D; (d)
  • CHDV 3480 - Fatherhood and the Child Development Cycle

    Prerequisite: Completion of CHDV 2000 with a grade of C or better. Examines historical, social, political, and cultural roles of fathers in child development across contemporary family structures, key theories of parent-child development, parenting, father involvement, and current social policies and programs.

  • CHDV 3500 - Social and Emotional Development

    Prerequisites: CHDV 3430 with a grade of C or better; satisfactory completion of Block A2 and A3. Study of social and emotional development from birth through adolescence; the self; emotion regulation and expression; peer, parent-child, sibling, early romantic relationships; interpersonal skills; moral development; risk and resilience.

  • CHDV 3720 - American Indian Families

    (also listed as CLS 3720)
    Pre-requisites:  Completion of Blocks A and B4, an additional course from Block B, and at least one course each from Blocks C and D. Examines historical, social, political and cultural contexts influencing development of American Indian and Alaska Native children, families and communities, the role of the cultural inheritance material in managing psychosocial stress and in strengthening communities.

    GE UD D (re) (cl)
  • CHDV 3730 - Asian Americans, Families, and Community

    (also listed as AAAS 3730)
    Pre-requisites:  Completion of Blocks A and B4, an additional course from Block B, and at least one course each from Blocks C and D. An overview of Asian and Asian American individual development in the context of family and community.

    GE UD D (re) (cl)
  • CHDV 3750 - Health Disparities in Urban Communities

    (also listed as CLS 3750 and PH 3750)
    Prerequisites:  Completion of Blocks A and B4, an additional course from Block B, and at least one course each from Blocks C and D. Health disparities affecting children and families in urban communities characterized by multiple diversity factors are explored. The intersectionality of factors and processes for promoting health equity and wellness are examined.

    GE UD D; (d)
  • CHDV 4120 - Issues in Child Abuse, Interpersonal Violence

    Overview of the legal, policy, health, social, psychological, educational and cultural issues associated with child abuse, family and interpersonal violence, including reporting responsibilities, assessment, intervention, current research and community resources.

  • CHDV 4240 - Effects of Family Transitions on Children

    Prerequisites: CHDV/SOC1200, CHDV 1400. Overview of family transitions (divorce, military deployment, immigration, relationship dissolution, or incarceration) that disrupt relationships and impact children across the lifecycle. Course examines loss, parental conflict, family relationships, attachment, support networks and family adjustments.

  • CHDV 4260 - The Hospitalized Child

    Prerequisite: CHDV 2000 with a grade of C or better, or by consent of the instructor. Psychosocial care of children/families in health care settings. Effects of medical environments on children/families with emphasis on strategies that enhance family coping.

  • CHDV 4270 - Disability Across the Lifespan

    Introduction to disability studies from an interdisciplinary perspective. Social, cultural and political contexts of disability with a family and development lifespan focus. Some sections of this course may be taught hybrid or online.

  • CHDV 4290 - Family Interactions and Communication

     Interactions and communication within families from a cultural and developmental framework. Influence of communication on family dynamics, relationships, and functioning across the family life course. Some sections may be taught hybrid or online.

  • CHDV 4300 - Parent-Child Development Over the Family Life Cycle

    Prerequisite: Completion of CHDV 2000 with a grade of C or better. Examines the interplay of personal and family developmental cycles and the developmental tasks of parents and children, key theories of parent-child development, and current social policies and programs serving parents.

  • CHDV 4360 - Family Stress and Resilience: Cultural Considerations

    Overview of family experiences in managing situational and environmental stress, with a focus on how family resiliency, cultural considerations and family risk and protective factors influence adaptation to stressful events. Some sections of this course may be taught hybrid or online.

  • CHDV 4440 - Family Life Education Methods and Professional Ethics

    Prerequisite: CHDV 2000. Principles, methods and professional ethics associated with family life education (planning, implementation, evaluation). Theoretical foundations of parent education programs, survey of parent education programs, dynamics of parent education groups. Some sections of this course may be taught hybrid or online.

  • CHDV 4460 - Therapeutic Play and Play Therapy

    Overview of therapeutic play techniques for children and families in health care settings. Use of play therapy techniques as a method for communicating with children in agency- and school-based settings.

  • CHDV 4540L - Special Topics in Child Development

    Prerequisite: Varies with specific topic. Current topics of special interest to CHDV students as announced in The Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for 12 units of credit as subject matter changes.

  • CHDV 4700 - The Family and the Law

    General foundation in areas of family law, including child welfare, immigration, early care and education, civil litigation, and the impact of legal systems on children and families.

  • CHDV 4800 - Loss and Grief Experiences in Families

    Overview of loss experiences that elicit grief and bereavement processes in families. Normative child/family development, attachment, loss and resiliency theories provide the foundation for exploration of issues.

  • CHDV 4920 - Language Development

    (also listed as COMD 4560)
    Prerequisite: Completion of CHDV2000 with a grade of C or better or consent of instructor. Language acquisition in typically developing children from infancy through late childhood, with a focus on the development of phonology (sounds), lexicon (words), syntax and morphology (sentences), and communicative competence (language use). Some sections of this course may be offered as hybrid or online.

  • CHDV 4930 - Second Language Acquisition in Childhood

    Prerequisites: CHDV4920 with a grade of C or better or by consent of instructor. No prerequisites for non-majors.  Theory and empirical research on second language acquisition in children from birth to 5 years; simultaneous and sequential bilingualism; psychological, sociocultural, and linguistic factors related to second language development. May be offered as an online or hybrid course.

  • CHDV 4950 - Directed Field Experience

    Prerequisite: Departmental approval. Supervised experience in preschool settings or early childhood program. May be repeated to 6 units. CR/NC.

  • CHDV 4960 - Senior Seminar

    Prerequisites: Completion of 90 units; Block A2 and A3, and  CHDV 3430, CHDV3500, CHDV4920/COMD 4560; all prerequisites must have a grade of C or better. An intensive seminar experience that examines major issues, themes, theories and research findings in child development Principles and techniques of writing a critical literature review in Child Development. Restricted to Child Development majors or graduate students working on prerequisite requirements.

    Grade of C or better in this course satisfies the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement.





  • CHDV 4970 - Senior Honors Thesis

    Prerequisites: Restricted to Child Development majors or graduate students working on prerequisite requirements. All prerequisites must have a grade of C or better; admission to Child Development Honors program. An intensive seminar experience that examines the integration of theory, research, and practice. Writing of honors thesis under the supervision of honors adviser; approval and regular consultation with adviser required.

    Grade of C or better in this course satisfies the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement.

  • CHDV 4990 - Undergraduate Directed Study

    Prerequisite: Instructor consent to act as sponsor. Project selected in conference with sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly. May be repeated for 12 units of credit.

Child Development (Graduate)

With graduate adviser approval, appropriate 4000-level courses in Child Development-related disciplines may be applied toward requirements for the master’s degree. Classified graduate standing is required for admission to all 5000 level courses

  • CHDV 5000 - Advanced Developmental Science

    The foundation of graduate study of the developing person. Theories of development in the major age periods; issues and methods in current research.

  • CHDV 5060 - Seminar in Social Development and Resiliency

    Study of social and emotional development including concepts of risk, protection, resilience and competence.  Applications for interventions.

  • CHDV 5080 - Research Methods

    Prerequisites: HHS 4000 or EDFN 4520 and CHDV 5000. Methods of studying children and families, basic research designs, core issues in studying development, ethical issues and emerging methodologies.

  • CHDV 5081 - Analytical Methods

    Prerequisites: HHS 4000 or EDFN 4520 and CHDV 5080. Application of research methods in understanding data analysis. Students will become familiar with data entry and data analysis using specific data sets. Seminar 3 hours, Laboratory 3 hours.

  • CHDV 5090 - Cognition and Language Development

    Prerequisites: CHDV 4920 and CHDV 5000. Survey of cognitive and language development: emphasizes origins of knowledge; development of sensory, motor, perceptual, attention processes; development of language(s) during early years; development of higher order cognition across late adolescence.

  • CHDV 5100 - Special Topics in Child Development

    Prerequisite: CHDV 5000 In-depth study of selected topics related to current issues and research in child development.

  • CHDV 5950 - Graduate Field Work

    Prerequisites: Completion of core courses and instructor consent to act as supervisor. Supervised individual field experience in child development settings; assignments on individual basis. May be repeated to maximum of 4 units. Graded CR/NC.

  • CHDV 5960 - Comprehensive Examination

    See the Comprehensive Examination in the requirements for the Masters Degree section of this chapter.

  • CHDV 5970 - Graduate Studies

    Prerequisites: Instructor consent to act as sponsor and approval of Associate Dean. Independent research under guidance of faculty member. Acceptable final written report required. May be repeated for credit with approval of instructor and Associate Dean. Graded CR/NC.

  • CHDV 5980 - Graduate Directed Study

    Independent directed study of advanced topics in the field of child development; regular conferences with instructor. May be repeated to maximum of 5 units.

  • CHDV 5990 - Thesis

    Independent research resulting in thesis. Must be repeated to maximum of 5 units. Graded CR/NC.

  • CHDV 5995 - Project

    Independent research resulting in a project. Must be repeated to a maximum of 5 units. Graded CR/NC.

Chinese (Undergraduate)

  • CHIN 1001 - Elementary Mandarin I

    Prerequisite: See departmental “Limitation on Language Credit” policy in this catalog. Methodical presentation of the fundamental structure of the language through hearing, speaking, reading, and writing Mandarin. Introduction to the customs, culture, and institutions of the Chinese people.



    GE C2

  • CHIN 1002 - Elementary Mandarin II

    Prerequisite: CHIN1001 or equivalent. See departmental “Limitation on Language Credit” policy in this catalog. Methodical presentation of the fundamental structure of the language through hearing, speaking, reading, and writing Mandarin. Introduction to the customs, culture, and institutions of the Chinese people.

    GE C2
  • CHIN 2001 - Intermediate Mandarin I

    Prerequisite: CHIN1002 or equivalent. See departmental “Limitation on Language Credit” policy in this catalog. Methodical development of intermediate communicative skills in Mandarin; grammar review; vocabulary building; study of the customs, culture, and institutions of the Chinese people.

    GE C2
  • CHIN 2002 - Intermediate Mandarin II

    Prerequisite: CHIN2001 or equivalent. See departmental “Limitation on Language Credit” policy in this catalog. Methodical development of intermediate communicative skills in Mandarin; grammar review; vocabulary building; study of the customs, culture, and institutions of the Chinese people.

    GE C2
  • CHIN 3001 - Advanced Chinese I

    Prerequisite: CHIN 2002; ML 1010. Must be taken in sequence. Practice in oral and written Mandarin. Emphasis on fluency, correct expression in writing, and vocabulary expansion through reading contemporary literature.

  • CHIN 3050 - Introduction to Chinese Linguistics

    Prerequisite: CHIN 3001 Basic concepts of linguistics as applied to Chinese language. Includes Chinese phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

  • CHIN 3095 - Chinese in Community Service

    Prerequisite: CHIN 3001, approval of department faculty adviser in consultation with the Department Chair, acceptance by community agency. Participation in work of a community agency or program utilizing communication skills in Chinese. May be repeated once to a maximum of 6 units. Graded CR/NC.

  • CHIN 3100 - Chinese Civilization

    Prerequisite: CHIN 2002. Major cultural and social trends of China from beginning to present.

  • CHIN 3150 - Language in Chinese Society

    Prerequisite: CHIN 2002. Study of how Chinese language functions in contemporary society. Politeness, genderlects, slang, taboos, loan words, personal naming, and cross-dialectal influence and misunderstanding.

  • CHIN 3220 - Newspaper Chinese

    Prerequisite: CHIN 3001. Extensive reading in leading Chinese newspapers and magazines from People’s Republic of China, Republic of China (Taiwan), Hong Kong, etc. Emphasis on abbreviated phrases used in contemporary newspapers and magazines.

  • CHIN 3800 - Business Chinese

    Prerequisite: CHIN 2002. Intensive study of Mandarin Chinese used in business; theory and practice of fundamentals of commercial correspondence and negotiations in Chinese.

  • CHIN 4010 - Introduction to Wenyan: Classical Chinese Language

    Prerequisite: CHIN 3001. An introduction to classical Chinese language through selections from great classics such as Dao De Jing, Zhuang Zi, Lunyu, and Shiji.

  • CHIN 4030 - Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and English Structures

    Prerequisites: CHIN 3001 and ENGL 4010. Contrastive analysis of structures of Chinese and English describing similarities and differences of each, emphasis on studying structures that cause interference in language learning.

  • CHIN 4080 - Chinese Literature I

    Prerequisite: CHIN 3001. Chinese literature from the beginnings to the 13th century.

  • CHIN 4100 - Chinese Literature II

    Prerequisite: CHIN 3001. Chinese literature from the 13th century to the present.

  • CHIN 4260 - Chinese Film

    Study of the history of Chinese film, cinematic theories, and the style and art of major directors. Analysis of film adaptation of literary texts. Conducted in English.

  • CHIN 4280 - Chinese Women’s Literature

    Prerequisite: CHIN 3002. Study of works by Chinese women writers from the classical period to the present.

  • CHIN 4510 - Proseminar: Chinese Linguistics

    Prerequisites: CHIN 3001, CHIN 3050, ENGL 4010. In-depth study of selected topics in Chinese linguistics. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 units as subject matter changes.


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