Feb 15, 2025  
University Catalog 2009-2011 
University Catalog 2009-2011 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Additional Graduate and Postbaccalaureate Student Information

Use of Social Security Number

Applicants are required to include their Social Security account number in designated places on CSU applications for admission pursuant to the authority contained in Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Section 41201. The Social Security account number is used as a means of identifying records pertaining to the student, as well as identifying the student for purposes of financial aid eligibility and disbursement and the repayment of financial aid and other debts payable to the institution. Effective Summer Quarter 2003 California State University, Los Angeles will randomly assign a nine-digit Campus Identification Number (CIN) to all students in the University. The Campus Identification Number (CIN) is used as the official means of student identification.

Study Load

For full-time enrollment certification by the University, graduate students must carry a study load of 12 weighted units of approved prerequisite, corequisite, or graduate program courses (graduate level courses have a weighted factor of 1.5). Upon recommendation of their major department/division/school and approval by their college graduate dean, students who are enrolled in any of the following courses may be certified as full-time students with a study load of fewer than 12 weighted units: 596, 597, 598, 599, 699, and 900. The maximum study load for students who are pursuing a graduate degree is 16 units per quarter.

The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) requires an F-1 international (visa) graduate student to carry a minimum study load of 8 quarter units of 500-level courses or 12 units of 400-level courses. International students must comply with all University and INS regulations.

Credit by Examination

Graduate students who are in good standing and are enrolled in one or more residence courses may request permission to receive credit for courses by examination. Graduate credit by examination is restricted to eligible 400- and 500-level courses listed in this catalog. It is without unit limit, but does not count as residence credit. Total credit earned for courses and examinations taken in Special Sessions may not exceed the limit established for Special Session study. See University Requirements for Master’s Degrees.

Prior to taking the examination, students must obtain concurrent approval of the chair of the department/division/school concerned, and the instructor for the course. Forms for approval may be obtained from department/division/school offices. One copy of the approval to take the examination must be filed with Enrollment Services, Admin. 146, before the fifth week of the quarter in which the examination is taken.

Foreign Language Proficiency Examinations

Modern Language Reading Examination

The Modern Language Reading Examination is included in Modern Language courses listings as Modern Language (ML) 901. Graduate students whose programs require that they pass the examination must obtain permission from the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and pay a $10 examination fee when they register for the examination. The fee must be paid each quarter the examination is attempted. No other registration fees are required when the student registers only for the Modern Language Reading Examination, and students are not entitled to the same privileges and services as students enrolled in regular classes. Modern Language Reading Examination results are posted on students’ academic record and appear on official transcripts. This exam is not given during summer quarter.

International Programs

Graduate students may be eligible for study abroad under The California State University International Programs. Information about cooperating universities abroad, eligibility requirements, and application procedures appears under International Programs in the opening chapter of this catalog.


There are over 300 scholarships available to students who are currently attending Cal State L.A. Available scholarships have a wide variety of criteria, and many are for undergraduate, graduate and certificate students enrolled with the University. Scholarships are based on such criteria as academic major, academic achievement, campus and/or community participation, financial need, or a variety of other purposes. Some scholarships will provide funding for student fees; others will support the cost of books, transportation and living expenses. Students who wish to be considered for all institutional scholarships for which they are qualified should file one (1) General Scholarship Application and have one (1) letter of recommendation. The application and letter should be submitted to the Center for Student Financial Aid, Student Affairs 124. The submission deadline for new students is in March. The deadline for continuing students is in April.

For criteria and up-to-date scholarship listings, go to http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/finaid/on_campus.htm

Computing Facilities

Cal State L.A. provides the latest information technology resources to students, faculty and staff, and houses more than 35 electronic classrooms with networked computers, six large student open access computer labs, three training labs, and many other “smart” classrooms. Students have access to a variety of state-of-the-art computers, with more than 200 software packages, applications, and plug-ins including the latest Web browsers, on every workstation on campus. Access from off-campus - including e-mail, electronic Library resources, learning management system, and student system (GET) - is easily accessible via the Internet. For those without an Internet connection, a modem pool is available. Our sophisticated computers, specialized labs, and variety of software applications reflect the University’s pursuit of academic excellence and the high standards demanded by our students.

A walk-up help desk is available six days a week to assist students, faculty and staff with computer and network related problems, phone support is available after hours.

Open Access Laboratories

Open Access labs are available to students during daytime, evening, and weekend hours. The labs are staffed by qualified student technology assistants who answer questions and provide assistance.

Further information about the Open Access Computer Labs can be obtained by visiting the computer lab website at http://www.calstatela.edu/oal