Feb 15, 2025  
University Catalog 2009-2011 
University Catalog 2009-2011 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Graduate and Postbaccalaureate Information


Graduate study has been a major part of the academic commitment of Cal State L.A. since its founding. Students who are engaged in graduate and Postbaccalaureate study constitute approximately one fifth of the total student body.

Cal State L.A. offers Master of Arts and Master of Science degrees in a variety of majors, with opportunities for specialization through the selection of options or areas of emphasis within degree programs. Also offered are the Master of Business Administration degree, Master of Fine Arts degree in Art, Master of Fine Arts degree in Television, Film and Theatre, Master of Music, Master of Arts and Master of Science degrees with an Interdisciplinary Studies major, Master of Social Work, Doctorate in Education, and the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Special Education. The complete list of graduate degrees offered appears at the front of this chapter.

Postbaccalaureate students also pursue teaching credentials, certificate programs, and personal enrichment courses.

Objectives of Graduate Study

Cal State L.A.’s graduate programs are coherent patterns of study designed for a level of academic accomplishment substantially beyond that required for the baccalaureate. Graduate programs enable students to progress in their chosen vocation, to assume positions of leadership, and to contribute to the advancement of their profession. Graduate study helps students to develop greater awareness of themselves in relation to other people and cultures, both present and past, and to gain a better understanding of their particular profession. Completion of a master’s degree program at Cal State L.A. also prepares students for further graduate study appropriate to their abilities and ambitions.

Organization of Graduate Study at Cal State L.A.

Graduate study at Cal State L.A. is organized and administered by each of the six Colleges within the University, with coordination provided by the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Graduate Studies.

This Graduate and Postbaccalaureate Study section of this catalog describes the requirements, regulations, and procedures for engaging in graduate study. General University regulations and procedures that apply to postbaccalaureate or graduate students, including the grading system and the determination of scholastic status, are explained in the Procedures and Regulations chapter earlier in this catalog. Admission requirements and procedures are explained in the Admissions chapter.

Requirements for admission, advancement to classified graduate standing and candidacy, and graduation described in this section apply to all advanced degree programs. Any additional requirements are stated in the descriptions of the individual programs.

Each department/division/school that offers graduate degree programs and/or credential programs has a principal graduate adviser as well as credential advisers (when applicable). These advisers’ names and phone numbers appear each quarter in the Schedule of Classes, and students can make appointments to see them in their offices.

Graduate Studies Directory

Office of Graduate Studies and Research

Dean of Graduate Studies and Research Cheryl Lynn Ney
Administration 710 (323) 343-3820
Associate Dean Alan E. Muchlinski
Administration 710 (323) 343-3820

College Graduate Deans

College of Arts and Letters
Associate Dean Bryant Alexander
Music 232 (323) 343-4004
College of Business and Economics
Associate Dean Dong-Woo Lee
Simpson Tower F124 (323) 343-2800
Charter College of Education
Associate Dean Andrea Maxie
King Hall D2070 (323) 343-4303
College of Engineering, Computer Science, and Technology
Associate Dean Don Maurizio (Acting)
Engineering and Technology A237 (323) 343-4510
College of Health and Human Services
Associate Dean Eleanor Ferguson-Marshalleck
Fine Arts 130 (323) 343-4600
College of Natural and Social Services
Associate Dean Rennie B. Schoepflin (Acting)
King Hall D1051 (323) 343-2005

Characteristics of Master’s Degrees

Cal State L.A. offers the following master’s and doctoral degrees: Master of Arts, Master of Business Administration, Master of Fine Arts, Master of Music, Master of Science, Master of Social Work, Doctor of Education, and Doctor of Philosophy. All master’s and doctoral degrees require greater depth of study and increased demands on student intellectual or creative capacity than the baccalaureate. Characteristics of individual degrees are described below.

Specific information about admission requirements, curriculum, and graduation requirements for these programs is listed alphabetically by college and department/division/school in either the Academic Programs: College-based and University-wide chapter or in the Academic Programs: Department, Division, and Interdisciplinary Program-based chapter, both of which follow this chapter.

The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree provides a broadened cultural background in a recognized disciplinary field or improvement of professional competence.

The Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree provides a program of professional preparation for management positions in business and industry.

The Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) degree in Art provides specialized training and education for artists and designers in design, computer graphics, painting and printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, and metalsmithing. The M.F.A. degree in Television, Film and Theatre prepares students for careers in performance/acting, production, and dramatic writing in the television, film and theatre industries. The MFA, along with extensive professional experience, also serves to prepare students to teach in these fields.

The Master of Music (M.M.) degree is a professional performance degree that prepares students for professional performance, for teaching in community colleges, and for advanced study.

The Master of Science (M.S.) degree provides the opportunity to improve professional competence in areas and approaches involving intense specialization.

The Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) degree provides a program of professional preparation for advanced entry into specialized social work practice where graduates will be able to provide effective services to individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.

Characteristics of Doctoral Degrees

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in Special Education, which provides advanced preparation in this diverse professional field, is offered jointly with the University of California, Los Angeles.

Interdisciplinary Studies Master’s Degrees

The Interdisciplinary Studies Master of Arts or Master of Science degree is a highly restricted interdisciplinary program for students whose professional or academic objectives are unique and cannot be met by existing master’s degree offerings. It consists of an individual program of course offerings from at least two departments/divisions in related disciplines and must provide sharp focus and appropriate coherence. See the University Programs section of the Academic Programs: College-based and University-wide chapter.

Teaching Credentials

Teaching, specialist, and services credential programs are available to students who hold an acceptable baccalaureate. Students who seek teaching credentials must fulfill admission criteria and program requirements established by the Charter College of Education in accordance with the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Students who are admitted into a teaching credential program are referred to as postbaccalaureate classified students. Description of admission criteria and program requirements appear in the Undergraduate Studies: General Information chapter and in the Charter College of Education section of the Academic Programs: College-based and University-wide chapter.

Credential Application Processing

Cal State L.A. charges a $65 nonrefundable fee to cover part of the expenses of processing admission and credential applications. This fee is assessed in addition to, and separate from, the $55 fee charged by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. For additional information, contact the Charter College of Education, Office for Student Services, King Hall D2078, or call the office at (323) 343-4320.

Credit Certificate Programs

Students who have a baccalaureate may enroll in a certificate program to receive specialized instruction and training within a particular field. Students who pursue a certificate must fulfill admission criteria and program requirements established by the departments, divisions, and schools that offer the programs.

Individual admission and program requirements appear in academic department/division/school listings in the Academic Programs: College-based and University-wide chapter.

Enrichment Courses

Persons who hold a bachelor’s degree may enroll in courses that provide personal enrichment. Because such students are not enrolled in specific graduate programs, they are referred to as postbaccalaureate unclassified students. They must fulfill all University eligibility requirements for admission and continuing student academic standing. Because they are not enrolled in graduate programs, they may not apply completed courses toward a master’s degree at Cal State L.A.