The Department of Geosciences and Environment offers three postgraduate degrees: Master of Arts in Geography, Master of Science in Geological Science (with options in Geology and Environmental Hydrology), and Master of Science in Environmental Sciences (joint program with the Department of Biological Sciences and Civil Engineering).
The Master of Arts degree program in Geography is designed to prepare students for teaching at the secondary and community college levels, employment in government and private industry, and further graduate study in geography.
I. Master of Arts Degree in Geography
Admission to the Program
Applicants with baccalaureates in Geography:
A. Must have attained a grade point average of at least 2.75 (A=4.0) in the last 60 semester (or 90 quarter) units of undergraduate work attempted, or satisfactory completion of probationary units.
B. Must have been in good standing in the last college or university attended.
C. Must give evidence of passing GEOG 4950 or its equivalent in another accredited college or university.
D. Must meet all University admission requirements.
Applicants with baccalaureates in majors other than Geography:
A. Must have attained a grade points average of at least 2.75 (A=4.0) in the last 60 semester (or 90 quarter) units of undergraduate work attempted, or satisfactory completion of probationary units.
B. Must have been in good standing in the last college or university attended.
C. Must complete GEOG 4950 or its equivalent in another accredited college or university plus 8-18 semester units of approved upper-division geography courses with a minimum B (3.0) average.
D. Must meet all University admission requirements.
Additional Departmental Requirements for all Graduate Program Applicants
In order to facilitate the admission process all prospective students must submit their application through the university online service and follow the established university procedures. Additionally, applicants must submit the following documents directly to the department:
A. An unofficial copy of their transcripts from all colleges and universities attended,
B. A statement of intent, and
C. Two letters of recommendations, in which at least one letter must come from a professor or an individual capable of evaluating the applicant’s qualification for graduate study.
The statement of intent should be between 500-700 words indicating the applicant’s purpose in applying for graduate study, any special areas of interest, plans for future occupation or profession and any additional information that may aid the selection committee in evaluating the applicant’s preparation and aptitude for graduate study at CSULA. All documents must be received by the department prior to the application deadlines that may be found on the university application website. Applications will be reviewed by the department and assessed based on the completed application form and supporting materials. Documents that are submitted directly to the department should be sent to the following address:
The Graduate Studies Committee
Department of Geosciences and Environment
C4067 King Hall
California State University Los Angeles
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032