Look up https://www.calstatela.edu/coe/edsp/bachelor-science-degree-rehabilitation-services
Program Learning Outcome 1: Knowledge Base in Rehabilitation
Students will demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings of the rehabilitation profession.
- 1.1 Describe disability and its impact on the individual
- 1.2 Define key concepts, principles, and history in rehabilitation
- 1.3 Demonstrate experiential knowledge of a variety of rehabilitation settings
Program Learning Outcome 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking
Students will use scientific reasoning and problem solving, including effective program evaluation strategies.
- 2.1 Identify and analyze observed problems in rehabilitation settings
- 2.2 Use rehabilitation literature to choose and evaluated best practices
- 2.3 Engage in creative thinking and problem solving
- 2.4 Discuss disability-related research and program evaluation
- 2.5 Identify and discuss sociocultural factors in research and data interpretation
Program Learning Outcome 3: Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World
Students will choose ethically and socially responsible behaviors for use in professional and personal settings in a landscape that involves increasing diversity.
- 3.1 Apply ethical standards to practice in rehabilitation settings
- 3.2 Exhibit the professional responsibility to advocate for individuals with disabilities
- 3.3 Incorporate values that build community at local, national, and global levels
Program Learning Outcome 4: Communication
Students will demonstrate competence in a professional presentation.
- 4.1 Demonstrate effective writing for different purposes
- 4.2 Demonstrate professional presentation skills
- 4.3 Collaborate professionally with various populations
Program Learning Outcome 5: Professional Development
Students will demonstrate the use of appropriate counseling skills, effective self-reflection, teamwork skills, and knowledge of career preparation.
- 5.1 Apply counseling skills to career goals
- 5.2 Develop self-awareness and self-efficacy
- 5.3 Demonstrate teamwork capacity
- 5.4 Disseminate acquired knowledge into practice