The Master of Science Degree in Environmental Science prepares students for environmental science research, doctoral study, community college teaching, and technical positions in universities, industry, or governmental agencies. The degree offers four options: Environmental Biology, Environmental Engineering Science, Environmental Hydrology, and Geospatial Sciences. The Environmental Biology Option emphasizes basic research into such areas as conservation, pollution, and global change. Environmental Engineering Science Option treats similar issues (i.e., air, soil, and water pollution and sustainability) from the perspective of engineering solutions. The Environmental Hydrology Option emphasizes fundamental problems of the hydrologic cycle, including water pollution issues, wetlands and watershed hydrology, and hydrologic modeling. The Geospatial Sciences option emphasizes both theoretical and analytical skills in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and remote sensing data processing.
The Degree Offers Two Training Experiences
The Professional Experience is designed for students who want to conclude graduate studies with a master’s degree and immediately seek employment in government agencies or industry.
The Research Experience is designed for students who want to continue on to a doctoral program for further preparation for work in academia, agencies or industry.
Admission to the Program
Applicants must possess a BA or BS degree from an accredited institution in biology, chemistry, civil engineering, environmental engineering, environmental science, geography, geology, or a related field. Applicants with a minimum GPA of 2.75 in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units who are admitted by the Environmental Science Program are admitted to the degree program in Conditionally Classified standing. Promising applicants with GPAs in the last 60 semester (90 quarter) units between 2.5 and 2.74 may be admitted as Special Action students. Special Action students must achieve an overall grade point average of a B (3.0) for four qualifying courses (approved in advance by the student’s graduate advisor). The qualifying courses should be completed by the end of the second semester of graduate study. Students who do not have a BS degree or a BS degree in the option chosen may be required to take a set of pre-requisite courses (e.g. chemistry, physics, calculus, biology etc.) with an average GPA of 3.0 or above.


Application Procedures
In addition to submitting a University Admissions Application through Cal State Apply, applicants must also apply separately to the Department. Application forms are available on the Department of Geosciences and Environment website ( Completed application, personal statement, three recommendation letters, TOEFL or Equivalent (if needed–for International Students only), and unofficial transcripts must be submitted to the Department of Geosciences and Environment.
Applicants interested in doing the Research Experience must have contacted two potential faculty research mentors before submitting his/her application. This is a key first step in the application process. Please note that acceptance into the program for the research experience is contingent on confirmation of acceptance into a research laboratory.
All materials must be received by the Department of Geosciences and Environment on or before the deadline stipulated on the Graduate Studies Office website ( Official transcripts must also be sent to the Graduate Studies Office, ADM 702, before the set deadline.