Business Intelligence is one of the fastest growing and most dynamic industries. This undergraduate certificate program is designed to prepare students to compete in the Business Intelligence marketplace. The program provides a comprehensive, up-to-date review of business intelligence, analytics concepts and best practices. Students will acquire knowledge and develop the skills in the areas relevant to the roles and responsibilities of today’s practicing Business Intelligence professionals. Students will be able to apply their newly learned skills through hands-on projects and exercises. This program prepares students to assume roles as a Business Intelligence Analyst, Business Intelligence Consultant, Business Intelligence Developer, Business Analyst and Business Intelligence Manager.
The program requires 12 semester units. Students must earn a minimum C grade point average to qualify for the certificate.
Upon successful completion of all course requirements, students will be awarded a Undergraduate Certificate in Business Intelligence, authorized by the Department of Information Systems in College of Business and Economics.
Admission Requirements
Admission to the program requires upper division standing in good academic standing. Knowledge of Information and Technology Literacy or equivalency to CIS 1200 or CS 1200 is required.