In terms 2, 3, and 4 in Years 1 and 2, students complete AUD 6510, 6520, and 6530 (Clinical Practicum in Audiology I, II, and III, respectively) on campus. Students then complete their first series of off-campus clinical experiences in terms 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Years 2 and 3 in AUD 6610, 6620, 6630, and 6640 (Clinical Externship in Audiology, I, II, III, and IV, respectively). Additionally, each student will complete one enrollment in AUD 6580 (Clinical Practicum in Vestibular and Balance) on campus in one term in either term 6, 7, or 8 in Year 3.
In the fourth and final year of the AuD Program, the student completes a year-long (three term sequence) of full-time clinical experience in AUD 6710, 6720, and 6730 (Clinical Residency I, II, III, respectively).