California credential programs, approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC), authorize the granting of special education credentials as “basic” credentials. The approved programs at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) includes the following programs:
- Preliminary Education Specialist Credentials
- Intern Credentials in Special Education
- Clear (Induction) Education Specialist Credentials
- Added authorizations (see advisor for complete listing of approved added authorizations offered)
- Specialist Program combined with a Master of Arts Degree in Special Education
Standards for the English language authorization are embedded in the preliminary education specialist programs and are approved by the CTC for the following authorization:
The credential completed under these requirements will authorize the holder to provide the following services to English learners: (1) instruction for English language development; and (2) specially designed content instruction delivered in English.
All education specialist credential program options address the continuum of service delivery:
The continuum includes: general education settings; resource rooms or services; special education settings; special schools; home/hospital settings; correctional facilities; non-public, non-sectarian schools and agencies as defined in education code sections 56365 and 56366; and alternative and non-traditional instructional public school settings other than classrooms.
The following material provides general credential information. Students must also attend a group advisement session, read the advisement material of the Division of Special Education and Counseling and consult with a faculty advisor.
NOTE: Candidates are responsible for examinations required for the credential by the state of California (e.g., CBEST, CSET, RICA) and should review the CTC website at for current requirements or consult with an advisor for current policies.
Education Specialist Credential Program Areas
Early Childhood Special Education: (ECSE):
The Education Specialist Instruction Credential: Early Childhood Special Education authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction, and special education related services to children from birth through pre-kindergarten, with a primary disability of specific learning disabilities, mild/moderate intellectual disabilities, traumatic brain injury, other health impairment, autism spectrum disorders, moderate/severe intellectual disabilities, deaf-blindness, serious emotional disturbance, and multiple disabilities in services across the continuum of program options available.
Mild/Moderate Disabilities: (MM):
The Education Specialist Instruction Credential: Mild/Moderate Disabilities authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction, and special education related services to individuals with a primary disability of specific learning disabilities, mild/moderate intellectual disabilities, other health impairment, emotional disturbance, and autism spectrum disorders within the disability area, in kindergarten, grades 1 through 12, and classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available.
Moderate/Severe Disabilities: (MS):
The Education Specialist Instruction Credential: Moderate/Severe Disabilities authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction, and special education related services to individuals with a primary disability of autism, moderate/severe intellectual disabilities, deaf-blind, emotional disturbance, and multiple disabilities, in kindergarten, grades 1 through 12 to age 22, and classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available.
Physical and Health Impairments: (PHI):
The Education Specialist Instruction Credential: Physical and Health Impairments authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction, and special education related services to individuals with a primary disability of orthopedic impairment, other health impairment, multiple disabilities, traumatic brain injury, and autism spectrum disorders within the disability area, from birth through to age 22, and classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available.
Visual Impairments and Blindness: (VI):
The Education Specialist Instruction Credential: Visual Impairments authorizes the holder to conduct assessments, provide instruction, and special education related services to individuals with a primary disability of visual impairment including blind, deaf-blind, and autism spectrum disorders within the disability area, from birth through age 22, and classes organized primarily for adults in services across the continuum of program options available.
The Division of Special Education and Counseling also offers:
The Clinical Rehabilitative Services Credential: Orientation and Mobility for the Blind
The Clinical Rehabilitative Services Credential: Orientation and Mobility (O&M) provides blind, visually impaired and deaf-blind individuals with age-appropriate, hands-on experiences in natural travel settings to assist in the development of a meaningful conceptual understanding of home, school and community environment. The orientation and mobility (O&M) services credential authorizes the holder to provide services to students to allow them to learn how to navigate their environment and become independent travelers. The training prepares individuals to work with children birth - 22 years and adults who have visual impairments and blindness, including individuals with additional disabilities.
Admission to Credential Programs
All students who plan to enter a program for one of the Education Specialist credentials must apply for admission to the university and the Charter College of Education Credential Program. Students in upper division standing at CSULA are eligible to apply and enter the program. Credential candidates must attend a group advisement session prior to admission to the program.
Effective January 5, 2015, all applicants for re-admission will be required to complete a re-admission protocol and interview for consideration. Please see Charter College of Education, Office for Student Services website for specifics.
(Students apply directly to the Orientation & Mobility program for admissions to the Clinical Rehabilitative Services Credential and MA degree program).
Conditional Admission Requirements for Education Specialist Credential Programs
Admission requirements are based on Title 5, California Code of Regulations, University regulations, and Charter College of Education (CCOE) policies. Requirements for conditional admission to The Education Specialist Credential programs include the following:
- Application to the California State University, Los Angeles (Cal State LA)
- Minimum 2.75 GPA in the last 60 semester units or 90 quarter units
- CCOE application for admission
- Official transcripts
- Strong and supportive letters of recommendation
- A well written and meaningful philosophy of education statement
- Verification of negative TB test taken within one year before completion of directed teaching by a personal physician or at CSULA Health Center.
- Background clearance from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Proof of completion or attempt of Basic Skills Requirement (BSR) through one of the following:
- Proof of attempt of all three sections of the CBEST
- Passing scores from the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET): Multiple Subjects Examination (subtests #101, 102, and 103) plus the Writing Skills Examination (#142).
- Passing scores from the CSU Early Assessment Program (EAP), English and Math, or CSU English placement (EPT) and entry level mathematics (ELM) test
OR Proof of passage of CTC approved out-of-state basic skills exam
OR achieve qualifying score on the ACT (23 Math, 22 English) or SAT (550 Math, 500 English)
OR score a 3 or above on approved Math and English sections of the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations.◦ Completion of other required CTC exams and procedures as applicable.
Eligible applicants are initially admitted to the Charter College of Education with conditions, but in order to continue in the education specialist credential program, they must satisfy the following criteria.
- Completion of EDSP 4001 or equivalent, (with verification of completion of 45 hours of early field experience, signed and approved by the instructor) or holding a valid California Teaching/Service credential
· Completion of successful oral interview and program planning sheet for each credential objective.
- Interview with and recommendation for admission to the teaching credential by the admission committee (if applicable).
- Verification of writing proficiency through one of the following:
- Successful completion of UNIV 4000 or UNIV 4010
- Graduate students may meet this requirement with a score of 41 or higher on the writing section of the CBEST and must show their original CBEST scores to the staff in the Office for Student Services for verification
- Acceptable alternative by petition
NOTE: Students in Early Childhood Special Education program must have an undergraduate degree in Child Development or equivalent OR at least 9 semester units of Child Development coursework and experience with children under the age of five (as determined by faculty advisor).
Admission Requirements for Intern Credential Programs
- Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
- Admission to the Education Specialist Credential program.
- Completion of Basic Skills Requirement (BSR).
· Pass UNIV 4000 or UNIV 4010, the Writing Proficiency Examination (WPE), a score of 41 or better on the writing section of the CBEST examination, or acceptable alternative by petition.
- Verification of completion of POLS 1000, equivalent course, approved US Constitution exam.
- Employment or offer of employment by a school district with a partnership agreement with CSULA.
- Interview with and recommendation for admission by Division of Special Education and Counseling intern advisor.
- Subject matter competency as demonstrated by an approved B.A. degree program or by CTC approved examination (CSET) and successful completion of EDSP 4000, EDSP 4001, and EDSP 4010 or valid preliminary or clear Multiple Subjects or Single Subjects Credential. Note: early childhood special education (ECSE) candidates are not required to take a subject matter examination; ECSE candidates demonstrate subject matter competency through completion of a child development undergraduate major or equivalent and must complete EDSP 4000 and EDSP 4010.
- Application to the CTC (through the Charter College of Education Office for Student Services) for the intern credential.
Directed Teaching Information
Directed Teaching, which includes both early directed teaching and final directed teaching, is one of the most important phases of teacher education at CSULA. Candidates are not automatically admitted to early or final directed teaching by completion of course work alone; they must fulfill the following criteria:
- Admission to the Education Specialist Credential program.
- Application for directed teaching by posted application deadline (Wednesday of second week of semester preceding the assignment).
- Attendance at scheduled Special Education Directed Teaching Orientation meeting during semester preceding the assignment.
- Subject matter competency as outlined by the CTC [i.e., demonstrated by an approved B.A. degree program or by CTC approved examination (e.g. CSET)]. NOTE: For early fieldwork completed in each credential area ( EDSP 4061/MM; EDSP 4062/MS; EDSP 4063/PHI; EDSP 4064/VI; EDSP 4065/ECSE and EDSP 4081/MM; EDSP 4082/MS; EDSP 4083/PHI; EDSP 4084/VI; EDSP 4085/ECSE) enrollment priority is given to students who demonstrate subject matter competency by undergraduate waiver program or exam. NOTE: Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) candidates are not required to take a subject matter examination; ECSE candidates demonstrate subject matter competency through completion of a Child Development Undergraduate major or equivalent.
- A minimum B (3.0) grade point average and grades of C or higher are required in all professional education courses.
- Verification of completion of basic skills requirement.
- Verification of negative TB test taken within one year before completion of directed teaching by a personal physician or at CSULA Health Center.
Students who meet all of the above criteria and who have completed the prerequisite course work will be approved for directed teaching.
Final Directed Teaching
In addition to the above requirements, enrollment in Final Directed Teaching in Approved Candidate Teaching Assignment (EDSP 4091/MM; EDSP 4092/MS; EDSP 4093/PHI; EDSP 4094/VI; EDSP 4095/ECSE) requires a positive recommendation from the university supervisor from early fieldwork and approval of the credential
advisor or the division chair. Candidates must also meet all residency requirements. Because of the amount of time and work required for final directed teaching, students must restrict the number of additional units in their program (maximum of 3 units) and curtail their out-of-school workload for the duration of such assignments.
Candidates who receive a grade of “RP” in Early Fieldwork ( EDSP 4061/MM; EDSP 4062/MS; EDSP 4063/PHI; EDSP 4064/VI; EDSP 4065/ECSE; 4 units) must enroll in Final Directed Teaching (EDSP 4071/MM; EDSP 4072/MS; EDSP 4073/PHI; EDSP 4074/VI; EDSP 4075/ECSE; 9 units) for their final directed teaching. Candidates who receive a grade of “NC” in early or final fieldwork (including the learning center) will be required to repeat the experience. Candidates who repeat the early or final fieldwork experience and receive a second grade of “NC” will be exited from the Education Specialist Credential Program.
NOTE: Passage of the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) is a requirement for all Education Specialist Credentials (except ECSE) and must be completed prior to application for the credential.