The master’s degree in Latin American Studies is an interdisciplinary program that highlights the histories, econ-omies, politics, societies, and cultural diversity of Latin America as well as its relations to other parts of the world and to Latin American populations in diaspora. The program allows students to tailor their studies to their interests and professional needs, and provides training in research skills and opportunities to work with community organizations. The degree affords students a wide range of career opportunities in the U.S. and abroad, including in policy-making and advocacy, the nonprofit sector, research, teaching in community colleges, or pursuing Ph.D. study.
Admission to the MA Program
Applicants must complete the application process for both the university and the program. See for admission requirements and materials for the university. Applicants must adhere to all deadlines for the application to the university and submit one copy of official transcripts to the university ad-missions office. Contact the Latin American Studies Program for program application materials or go to for more information. All applications to the department must include: program application form, statement of purpose (1-2 pages), two letters of recommendation, and unofficial transcripts.
Master of Arts Program Requirements
A minimum of 15 semester units in upper division Latin American content courses is prerequisite to the pro-gram; LAS 4970 and LAS 4971 are corequisites for students who do not have a BA in Latin American Studies. Students who have not met these requirements through courses taken as an undergraduate must take courses in post baccalaureate standing as corequisites to program requirements.
Language Requirement
Before they may be advanced to candidacy, students must demonstrate written and oral competence in Spanish or Portuguese by passing a foreign language reading examination (ML 9010 ) in the language selected, as offered by the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures and with approval of that department.