Feb 16, 2025
University Catalog 2016-2017 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
History, B.A.
The Bachelor of Arts degree program in History is designed to provide an understanding of societal development in all aspects of human experience and of the relevance of the past to the present. The program permits pursuit of a wide range of interests within the purview of historical scholarship. Students should confer in advance with a history adviser to select the courses and program appropriate to their goals.
The total number of units required for the Bachelor of Arts degree in History is 120 units, of which 51 or 72 units are in the major depending on the option selected. Consult with an advisor for the specific number of units required in all areas of the degree including GE and free electives.
Requirements for the Major (51 or 72 units)
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Arts degree in History select one of two options: A General Option, requiring 51 units, and a Teacher Preparation Option, requiring 72 units, for those interested in a Single-Subject Credential in Social Science. General Option (51 units)
The General option is comprised of a required core of 12 lower division and 24 upper division units plus 15 units of electives. Lower Division Required Courses (12 units)
Upper Division Required Courses (24 units)
Skills Courses (12 units)
Area Distribution Requirement (12 units)
Select 3 units each (one course) from groups A, B, C, and D for a total of 12 units: Group B Africa, Middle East, Asia (3 units)
Group C Latin America (3 units)
Group D The United States (3 units)
- HIST 3400 - Race, Ethnicity, and the History of US Civil Rights Movements (3)
- HIST 3405 - LGBT Political History in the US (3)
- HIST 3450 - Rise of Urban America (3)
- HIST 3480 - California (3)
- HIST 4090 - Sexuality in the Americas (3)
- HIST 4600 - The Chicano Movement (3)
- HIST 4690 - Indigenous Peoples of the Americas (3)
- HIST 4700 - The Colonial Heritage: The United States, 1607-1763 (3)
- HIST 4710 - Era of Revolution: The United States, 1763-1815 (3)
- HIST 4720 - Democracy, Dissent, and Disunion: The United States, 1815-1877 (3)
- HIST 4730 - The United States, 1877-1918 (3)
- HIST 4740 - The United States, 1918-1973 (3)
- HIST 4750 - The United States, 1973 to Present (3)
- HIST 4760 - Economic History of United States (3)
- HIST 4770 - United States Social History (3)
- HIST 4775 - American Religious History (3)
- HIST 4780 - History of United States International Relations (3)
- HIST 4790 - Constitutional History of United States (3)
- HIST 4800 - Ethnicity and Immigration in American History (3)
- HIST 4810 - Special Topics in the U.S. West (3)
- HIST 4820 - History of US Popular Culture (3)
- HIST 4830 - Poverty and Anti-Poverty in American History (3)
- HIST 4840 - Civil War and Reconstruction (3)
- HIST 4850 - U.S. Women to 1877 (3)
- HIST 4860 - U.S. Women, 1877 to the Present (3)
- HIST 4870 - History of U.S. Work and Working People (3)
- HIST 4890 - Los Angeles (3)
Electives (15 units)
Select any 300 or 400 level courses from among any of the above courses listed under Groups A, B, C, and D of the Area Distribution Requirement, as well as from the following courses: Teacher Preparation Option (72 units)
The Teacher Preparation Option is designed for students seeking a Single Subject Credential in Social Science. Students who graduate with this option in the History major will fulfill all subject matter requirements for the Social Science Credential. Early consultation with a department advisor is strongly recommended. The option is comprised of 24 required lower division units and 48 required and elective upper division units in history and other social science disciplines. Students must earn a grade of “C” or higher in all courses that satisfy the major requirements. Lower Division Courses (24 units)
History Courses ( 12 units)
Economics Courses (3 units)
Geography Courses (3 units)
Political Science Courses (3 units)
Religious Studies Courses (3 units)
Upper Division Courses (48 units)
Upper division subject areas (24 units) History Courses (9 units)
Economics Courses (3 units)
Geography Courses (6 units)
Political Science Courses (3 units)
Diversity Courses (3 units)
Select one from the following: Upper Division History Concentration (18 units)
Select one from each of the following six areas: United States Periods (3 units)
United States Topics (3 units)
Africa, Asia, and the Middle East (3 units)
Required Courses in Pedagogy (6 units)
Capstone Course (3 units)