Feb 15, 2025  
University Catalog 2017-2018 
University Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Charter College of Education

King Hall D2069
Phone: (323) 343-4300
King Hall D2070
Phone: (323) 343-4303
King Hall D2078
Phone (323) 343-4320
Website : www.calstatela.edu/ccoe


Dean: Cheryl Ney
Associate Dean: Diane Fazzi
Resource Mgr.: Rosa Cessna

The Charter College of Education offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Science degree (in Rehabilitation Services), the Bachelor of Arts degree (in Urban Learning), master’s degrees, one joint doctoral degree, one independent doctoral degree, as well as credentials and certification for specified fields of professional service in California public schools and other public and private agencies. Because the campus is located in the heart of metropolitan Los Angeles, the Charter College of Education is committed to enabling educational leaders to meet high standards and ensure the maximum learning and achievement potential of culturally and linguistically diverse urban learners. The vision of the college is “promoting an inclusive environment to support caring professional educators for the future, so that all learners achieve their fullest potential.”


The Charter College of Education is nationally accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). All credential programs are approved by the California Committee on Accreditation (COA). Programs in the college are also nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE), the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association (ASHSA), the International Reading Association (IRA), the Association for the Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER), and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).

Degrees Offered

The Charter College of Education offers the following degrees: Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education, Doctor of Education, Master of Arts, Master of Science, Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, which are briefly described below:

Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Special Education

offered jointly with the University of California, Los Angeles, provides preparation for leadership positions in higher education and the public schools as well as preparation for a career in scholarly research.

Doctor of Education Degree in Educational Leadership

emphasizes PreK-12 education, leadership in practice, and the development of leaders who have the expertise, scholarship and community-based inquiry skills necessary to advance all students’ rights to an education that supports social and economic justice and academic success.

Master of Arts Degree in Education

with the following options:

  • Bilingual/Multicultural Education in the Elementary Classroom option offers candidates the opportunity to examine theory, research, and classroom practices in instructional programs for language minority students in California public schools.
  • Computer Education and Technology Leadership option prepares computer education specialists to direct school computer laboratories; select, design, and evaluate instructional software; teach computer programming/problem solving to children; and fill leadership roles in school districts in computer applications in education.
  • Creative Literacies and Literature in the Elementary Classroom prepares Reading/Language Arts Specialists whose primary responsibility is K-12 teaching with acquired expertise in reading and language areas and who are able to work cooperatively with other professionals to promote and enhance literacy learning.
  • Curriculum and Instruction in the Urban Elementary School option offers the opportunity to select courses that are specifically designed to combine theory and research with practical classroom application for use in urban settings. This option assists the candidate in developing the necessary knowledge and skills for meeting the needs of children in urban schools.
  • Early Childhood/Primary Education option offers the opportunity to focus on practical classroom application in early childhood education based on current theory and research. This option allows candidates to develop their knowledge and skills in a variety of topics related to early childhood education
  • Educational Foundations option with concentrations in social and psychological foundations, is designed to engage professionals in the field of education in interdisciplinary coursework that allows them to develop interpretive, normative, and critical perspectives on education and educational issues in both formal and informal settings.
  • Mathematics Education prepares teachers for leadership roles to improve mathematics learning in elementary and middle schools. Courses translate theory and research into teaching practices for diverse learners with an emphasis on the use of technologies and active learning.
  • Middle and Secondary Curriculum and Instruction option is designed to meet the challenge of educational excellence through the development of instructional leadership skills for middle, secondary and postsecondary educators.
  • New Media Design and Production option prepares specialists for elementary and secondary institutions who combine skills in computer technology application with advanced video and multimedia techniques to enhance the learning experience of students at all levels.
  • Reading option is designed to provide proficiency in the specialized teaching of reading/language arts. It satisfies content requirements established by the International Reading Association for reading/language arts specialization.
  • Science Education option is designed for elementary and middle school teachers who seek leadership skills in elementary science curriculum, programs, teaching and/or want to cultivate their students’ scientific literacy. The degree program combines theory, research, “hands-on” science activities, cutting-edge pedagogy, and content courses within the natural sciences.

Master of Arts Degree in Educational Administration

prepares educators with an understanding of American urban life, provides them with the research skills needed to direct, conduct, analyze, and evaluate research projects, and presents opportunities for in-depth study of administering, managing, supervising, coordinating, and directing public and non-public schools. Option offered in Educational Administration.

Master of Arts Degree in Special Education

is designed to prepare personnel to provide educational services to individuals who, because of physical, behavioral, and/or mental characteristics, require special instruction or services. Specialized preparation is offered for teachers of these exceptional individuals. Options include:

  • Autism option is designed to provide training in providing behavioral and educational support to individuals with autism. This program will offer students substantive opportunity to acquire an in-depth knowledge and in-depth understanding of the needs of individuals with autism and the skills to address those needs.
  • Early Childhood Special Education option is designed to provide administrators, teachers and therapists with advanced preparation work with exceptional learners. Candidates must incorporate the specialist credential requirements in their area of specialization as part of their program. (This requirement may be waived for personnel such as nurses, occupational therapists, or orientation and mobility specialists).
  • Facilitating Behavior Change (offered jointly with Special Education and Counseling) option is designed to provide administrators, teachers, and therapists with advanced preparation to work with exceptional learners. Candidates must incorporate the specialist credential requirements in their area of specialization as part of their program. (This requirement may be waived for personnel such as nurses, occupational therapists, or orientation and mobility specialists).
  • Inclusive Education option prepares inclusion specialists to work with students with mild to severe disabilities in inclusive elementary and secondary settings. It is designed to provide students with a substantive opportunity to acquire the breadth and depth of knowledge to assume leadership roles in elementary or secondary schools to facilitate inclusive education for students with disabilities.
  • Mild/Moderate Disabilities option provides administrators, teachers and therapists with advanced preparation for work with exceptional learners. Candidates must incorporate the specialist credential requirements in their area of specialization as a part of their program. (This requirement may be waived for personnel such as nurses, occupational therapists, or orientation and mobility specialists).
  • Moderate/Severe Disabilities option provides administrators, teachers and therapists with advanced preparation for work with exceptional learners. Candidates must incorporate the specialist credential requirements in their area of specialization as a part of their program. (This requirement may be waived for personnel such as nurses, occupational or physical therapists, or orientation and mobility specialists).
  • Multicultural/Multilingual Special Education option provides administrators, teachers and therapists with advanced preparation for work with exceptional learners. Candidates must incorporate the specialist credential requirements in their area of specialization as a part of their program. (This requirement may be waived for personnel such as nurses, occupational therapists, or orientation and mobility specialists).
  • Physical and Health Impairments option provides administrators, teachers and therapists with advanced preparation for work with exceptional learners. Candidates must incorporate the specialist credential requirements in their area of specialization as a part of their program. (This requirement may be waived for personnel such as nurses, occupational or physical therapists, or orientation and mobility specialists).
  • Transition Studies (offered jointly with Special Education and Counseling) option prepares transition specialists to become competent in (1) conducting research to contribute in current transition field, (2) providing and designing appropriate and effective transition services to secondary students with disabilities, and (3) evaluating transition plans in light of collaboration among professionals including business and community leaders as well as parents, teachers and other related service professionals in multicultural/multilingual urban settings.
  • Visual Impairments and Blindness: Orientation and Mobility (Clinical Rehabilitative Services Credential) option is required for those candidates who plan to work in public school systems. Graduates of this option are eligible for national orientation and mobility certification, through Division IX of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER).
  • Visual Impairments and Blindness: Teacher Preparation option provides administrators, teachers and therapists with advanced preparation for work with exceptional learners. Candidates must incorporate the specialist credential requirements in their area of specialization as a part of their program. (This requirement may be waived for personnel such as nurses, occupational or physical therapists, or orientation and mobility specialists).

Master of Arts Degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

is intended to prepare students for teaching in a variety of situations, kindergarten through adult level, both in the U.S. and abroad. The program emphasizes language acquisition processes and the implications for second language teaching in preparing students for many teaching situations: English as a second language, as a foreign language, and for special purposes.

Master of Science Degree in Counseling

includes the following options:

  • Applied Behavior Analysis option is designed for graduate students who plan to work as behavior analysts, case managers or consultants, counselors in the schools, and for those who elect to specialize in the behavioral area for doctoral training. (Students may obtain the Pupil
    Personnel Services Credential with Advanced Authorizations in School Counseling and Child Welfare and Attendance Services by completing additional courses.)
  • Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling* option is designed to train family systems oriented counselors who are eligible to: (1) obtain the Pupil Personnel Services Credential with Advanced Authorizations in School Counseling and Child Welfare and Attendance Services; and (2) apply for licensure in California as a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor.
  • Rehabilitation Counseling option prepares students to: (1) function effectively as professional rehabilitation counselors in a variety of employment settings; and (2) develop their own skills to function effectively at the time of graduation and beyond as the profession changes.
  • School Counseling Leadership option is designed for future school counselors who wish to develop leadership skills in school counseling and earn the M.S. in Counseling: Option in School Counseling Leadership. Students who complete this option also qualify to apply for the Pupil Personnel Services Credential with Advanced Authorizations in School Counseling and Child Welfare and Attendance Services.
  • School Psychology option prepares students to focus on the psychoeducational development of individuals from birth to age 21, their abilities and potentialities, and biological, emotional, behavioral, and cultural factors that influence the learning process.
    Students who earn the this option also qualify for the Pupil Personnel Services credential with advanced specialization in School Psychology and Advanced Specialization in Child Welfare and Attendance Services.

* Includes school counseling focus
Note: Students entering graduate education programs must meet specific requirements set forth for each program in addition to University requirements for admission to graduate study.

Restrictions on Credit Earned in Variable Unit Courses

All Charter College of Education master’s degree programs are subject to the following credit restrictions:
Limit of 12 units from 499, 597, and 598 in programs without a thesis or project.
Limit of 15 units from 499, 597, 598, and 599 in programs with a thesis or project.

Bachelor of Arts Degree in Urban Learning

is a program that combines courses in teacher preparation with major courses emphasizing an interdisciplinary approach to understanding urban learning as a social phenomenon. The major is supported by a depth area of social science focused on diversity and a choice of either an education minor to prepare students to teach in elementary school or an education specialist minor for teachers working as interns in a special education setting.

Bachelor of Science Degree in Rehabilitation Services

prepares students who work in various educational settings where they will advance the independence, integration and full participation of individuals with rehabilitation needs in both workforce and the community.

Credential Programs

University programs have been approved for the following credentials and areas of specialization.

Teaching Credentials:

  • Multiple Subject
  • Multiple Subject Internship
  • Single Subject
  • Single Subject Internship

Education Specialist Credentials

  • Early Childhood Special Education*
  • Mild/Moderate Disabilities*
  • Moderate/Severe Disabilities*
  • Physical and Health Impairments*
  • Reading/Language Arts
  • Visual Impairments and Blindness

Other Specialist Credentials

  • Adapted Physical Education

Services Credentials

  • Administrative Services (Preliminary and Professional)
  • Clinical- Rehabilitative Services (Audiology, Language, Speech and Hearing (with Special Class Authorization), Orientation and Mobility
  • Health Services (School Nurse)
  • Pupil Personnel Services (School Counseling and Child Welfare and Attendance, including internship, School Psychology and Child Welfare and Attendance, School Psychology, including internship)


  • Autism Certificate
  • California Reading Certificate
  • Resource Specialist in Special Education Certificate

Note! Because credential programs described in this publication are subject to change without notice, students are urged to seek current information concerning new credential requirements from the appropriate division in the Charter College of Education.

Candidates seeking additional authorization on prior credentials must seek advisement from the appropriate division about applicability of current courses to those requirements. Advisement of students working toward a credential is provided by both their major department and each of the Charter College of Education Divisions. General information about the Charter College of Education programs is available in the Office of Student Services, King Hall D2078.

Recommendation for teaching credentials is contingent upon satisfaction of all requirements specified in each area.

Admission and Other Requirements

Admission to Master’s Degree and Credential Programs in Education

Students entering graduate programs in education must meet University requirements for admission to graduate study and additional requirements set forth for each program. Admission to the University does not automatically admit students to credential or postbaccalaureate programs in the Charter College of Education. Candidates for all programs in the College must have a grade point average (GPA) of 2.75 in the 90 quarter units and verify competency in basic technology skills. Formal application is required for admission to each specific degree or credential program.

Teaching credential application procedures are described in the appropriate section of Academic Departments  within the divisional section offering preparation for that credential, namely:

  • Applied and Advanced Studies in Education
  • Curriculum and Instruction
  • Special Education and Counseling

Postbaccalaureate Year

Except for students enrolled in an approved undergraduate blended program for teacher preparation, State of California credential requirements include a fifth year of study completed after the baccalaureate. Students may elect to complete all or part of their professional requirements in the fifth year, pursue a master’s degree, or follow a planned course of study approved by their adviser. All students must plan an approved program with an adviser.

General Information about Professional Clear Teaching Credentials

All students who desire University recommendation for completion of the professional clear credential must be admitted to Cal State L. A. and must satisfy any writing requirement required of all postbaccalaureate students. They must also apply for admission to the credential program. Complete admission procedures are listed in the Admission to Credential Programs section.

Definition of the Fifth Year for Professional Clear Teaching Credentials (Ryan Credential)

The fifth year, comprised of a minimum of 45 postbaccalaureate quarter units selected with adviser assistance, may consist of:

  • Completion of requirements for the preliminary credential, or
  • completion of requirements for the professional clear
  • credential, or
  • work toward another baccalaureate, or
  • an advanced credential, or
  • a master’s degree, or
  • a program of courses designed to improve the applicant’s teaching competencies.

Residence Requirement

Applicants who possess a master’s degree from an accredited institution outside California or an advanced credential based on a full fifth year of postbaccalaureate study (45 quarter units) are not subject to residence requirements for University recommendation. Applicants with a master’s degree or an advanced credential from a California institution are referred to their parent institution for recommendation. All other applicants must complete a minimum of 16 quarter units in residence at Cal State L.A.


  • Apply for admission to Cal State L. A. and to the Charter College of Education credential programs.
  • Plan a fifth year program with an adviser.

The program plan is filed and used for verification of credential requirements at program completion. The program is checked by a credential analyst for satisfaction of criteria, applicability of transfer work, etc.

Students receive University recommendation following application and verification of completion of all requirements for the clear credential.