Mar 02, 2025  
University Catalog 2013-2014 
University Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Programs

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Intercollegiate Athletics

Physical Education 104
Telephone: (323) 343-3080

Physical Education 212
Telephone: (323) 343-5308
Results Hotline: (323) 343-3198
FAX: (323) 343-3199

Director of Intercollegiate Athletics:
Daniel L. Bridges
Associate Athletic Director: Sheila Hudson
Director of Development: Henry Etheredge
Assistant Athletic Director, Finance: Rafeal Navarro
Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR)
Scott R. Bowman
Head Athletic Trainer:
Lori Rudd
Athletics Facility and Event Manager Brendon Dally
Athletics Academic Adviser Melissa Basalla
Head Coaches:  
Baseball Vince Beringhele
Men’s Basketball Stephen Thompson
Women’s Basketball Janell Jones
Women’s Cross Country/Men’s and Women’s Track and Field      Christopher Asher
Men’s and Women’s Soccer Chris Chamides
Women’s Tennis Sandy Kriezel
Women’s Volleyball Randi Smart

Mission of the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics

The fundamental purpose of the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics at Cal State L.A. is to provide an outstanding athletics program as an integral part of the University’s mission, holding as its greatest priority the educational experience of student-athletes. The Division is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of quality, of professionalism, and of competitive excellence.

About the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics

Cal State L.A. is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the California Collegiate Athletic Association (CCAA). The Intercollegiate Athletics program fields teams in men’s baseball, basketball, soccer, and outdoor track and field. Women’s teams compete in basketball, cross country, soccer, tennis, indoor and outdoor track and field, and volleyball. Athletically related grants-in-aid (scholarships) may be available to those student-athletes who demonstrate superior academic and athletic performance.

The Division of Intercollegiate Athletics program is based on sound educational principles and practices and is a part of the educational mission of the University and is well-integrated into the educational environment of the University. Student-athletes must maintain normal academic progress toward completion of their degree in accordance with a formal policy approved by the Intercollegiate Athletics Board (IAB), academic senate and the President.

In addition, Cal State L.A. student-athletes spend many hours annually with area youth as part of the Golden Eagle community service programs, including spreading holiday cheer at local hospitals, reading at local elementary schools and hosting approximately 250 youngsters as part of National Student-Athlete Day.

The student-athlete advisory committee (SAAC) is made up of student-athletes from each Golden Eagle intercollegiate athletics squad and is assembled to provide insight on the student-athlete experience. The SAAC also offers input on the rules, regulations and polices that affect the lives of student-athletes. Each Golden Eagle team has at least one representative on the SAAC undergraduate programs.

Normal Progress for Student Athletes

In order to be eligible for competition in intercollegiate athletics, student-athletes must earn units in courses acceptable toward a specific degree program at a minimum rate of 36 units between seasons of competition. As prescribed by NCAA regulations, 75 percent of these units (27) must be earned in fall, winter and spring quarters.

Effective fall 2005, student-athletes must earn at least six (6) normal progress units in the immediately preceding term to be eligible for competition.

For students who have not declared a major, no more than one-third (12) of the yearly minimum number of units may be electives. At least two-thirds (24) of the units must be in general education or major courses. For students who have declared a major, at least two-thirds (24) of the units must be in general education or major courses, and elective courses up to 12 units annually are permitted only to the extent that the particular degree program accommodates them. Repeated courses may be counted only once for normal progress, unless repetition of the course for credit has been authorized in the University Catalog.

In the calculation of the required 24 units in major and general education courses, only courses in the primary major and in general education will be included. Courses taken in a minor, a second major and/or professional education courses will be considered electives. In the freshman year only, students may count up to 18 units of satisfactorily completed precollegiate courses that are prerequisite to specific courses acceptable for any degree program.

Student-athletes must formally declare a major by the beginning of their seventh quarter of collegiate enrollment. Seventh quarter student-athletes will be declared eligible by the Faculty Athletics Representative only after receipt of the following:

  1. Evidence of the student-athlete’s formally declared major.
  2. A copy of the student athlete’s department advisement form signed by the department adviser.

Student-athletes who change a major shall be required to supply an updated advisement form to the Faculty Athletics Representative. After a change of major, a student-athlete may meet the normal academic progress requirements if the units earned prior to the change are acceptable toward the degree previously sought, and the units earned from the time of the change are acceptable toward the new desired degree. This means that changing a major is not a valid reason for failing to meet normal progress.

Other Factors Affecting Eligibility

Student-athletes must maintain a minimum C (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) grade point average at all times in both their overall collegiate record and their Cal State L.A. work in order to remain eligible for intercollegiate athletics competition. A necessary condition for practice and competition shall be enrollment in no fewer than 12 units of coursework unless an official “Application for Graduation” indicates the student-athlete needs less than 12 units to graduate.

Student-athletes must attend a mandatory annual meeting conducted by the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics prior to participation. One purpose of this meeting is to disseminate information concerning NCAA, CCAA and Division rules pertaining to amateurism, eligibility, academics, ethics and grievance procedures. In addition, student-athletes will be asked to sign required NCAA and CCAA forms as well as complete health and insurance forms.

Competition in intercollegiate athletics at Cal State L.A. must be completed within the first 15 quarters of full-time attendance* at this or prior institutions. An additional limit of four seasons of competition applies separately to each sport. For student-athletes who transfer from other collegiate institutions, the Faculty Athletics Representative shall determine the number of full-time quarters of attendance prior to transfer as well as the number of competition seasons used. Such student-athletes shall be subject to all of the above requirements effective their first quarter of attendance at Cal State L.A.

* Full-time attendance is defined by the NCAA as any quarter or semester (exclusive of summer terms) in which a student is enrolled in 12 or more units at any time in the term.

Special Major for the Bachelor’s Degree

The Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree with a Special Major allows selected students an opportunity to pursue individualized programs of study if their academic and professional goals cannot be met through existing degree programs, or combinations of programs (i.e., majors, minors, etc.), at CSULA or other CSU campuses. The Special Major consists of a program of study in two or more disciplines developed in consultation with faculty members from the respective departments.

The Special Major is not a means of bypassing normal graduation requirements nor does it provide an alternative means of graduating for students who have failed to complete requirements in a previously designated major. Students must apply for the Special Major when they have at least one full year (45) units of academic work remaining to complete minimum requirements for a bachelor’s degree. Special Major programs are considered on a case-by-case basis; approval is determined on the basis of academic merit of the proposed program, rationale, and the student’s potential for successful completion of the proposed program.


  • A minimum 2.50 grade point average is required.
  • Applicants must have no more than 140 units earned that are applicable toward another degree program by the end of the quarter in which the application for the Special Major is submitted.
  • A total of 180 units are required for the BA/BS degree with a Special Major. A minimum of 70 quarter units, of which at least 60 must be upper division, must be included in the Special Major program.
  • Neither lower nor upper division courses taken to satisfy general education requirements may be counted toward fulfillment of minimum requirements for the Special Major.
  • All programs must include an upper division writing requirement, selected with adviser’s approval, from one of the approved upper division writing courses from one of the disciplines in the Special Major program.
  • A principal adviser must be selected from one of the disciplines proposed for the Special Major program.


  • Prepare a Special Major Preliminary Application obtained from the Office of Undergraduate Studies.
  • Prepare a concise statement of the academic and professional goals you seek through a Special Major, indicating why these goals cannot be met through related existing degree programs and prepare a preliminary list of courses in the two or three departments that represent the kind of program appropriate to your goals.
  • Submit the Preliminary Application to the Office of Undergraduate Studies for review and approval for development of the Special Major. Upon approval, an Application for Special Major for Bachelor’s Degree will be provided to you. A faculty committee composed of a faculty member from each department on the proposed program may be recommended by the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies to guide you in the development of your Special Major program.
  • Discuss your statement and proposed list of courses with advisers in each of the specific departments that comprise your Special Major. With the assistance of your departmental advisers, determine the courses that will become part of your final program. Obtain the signatures of departmental advisers and department chair for each area of study. Their signatures indicate that they have reviewed and approved the proposed course of study. A principal adviser must be selected from one of the disciplines proposed for the Special Major Program.
  • Obtain the signature of the college associate dean for each of the departmental course areas listed on your program and submit the completed application to the Office of Undergraduate Studies for university-level approval.
  • Upon University approval, the application will be sent to you and to each department listed on your program. A Change of Major Form will also be sent to you with instructions to change your major to the official title listed on your approved program. Be advised that pending final approval of your Special Major program, you proceed with projected course work at your risk.

Further information is available from the Office of Undergraduate Studies, Administration 725.

CalState TEACH (CST)

Multiple Subject, CalStateTEACH (CST) is both a preservice program and an intern program. CalStateTEACH is an alternative path to a multiple subject preliminary teaching credential available to individuals residing in Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Barbara Counties. CalStateTEACH is designed specifically to serve teachers who are interns or who can volunteer to practice teach in an elementary school (grades K-6). It is also designed for those who want to become teachers but are unable to access campus programs due to personal circumstances or because they live beyond commuting distance to a university. The program has been constructed to integrate the theory and practice of teaching with the daily experiences of teachers in the classroom.

CalStateTEACH is a Web-enhanced program in which students work in small groups, guided and supported by faculty of CalStateTEACH Los Angeles as well as by on-site school personnel. This flexible form of instruction allows part-time, home-based study and uses a rich mix of print, Internet, CD ROM, and video. There are no regular university classes to attend, although there are five Saturday seminars over the course of the program. After successfully completing the program, participants will have earned a Multiple Subject Credential and 40-49 semester units of credit.

The CalStateTEACH program is offered in four terms. Fees include the cost of instruction and all books, course guides, videotapes, CDROM, and computer software. Federal and state financial aid in the form of grants and loans are available for qualified students. For more information, contact Dr. Victoria A. Peyton,  The CalStateTEACH public website is

Credit for Prior Experiential Learning (CPEL)*

Through the CPEL program, Cal State L.A. grants undergraduate academic credit for prior learning, knowledge, or skills-based experience that has been documented and evaluated according to campus policy. Students should be aware, however, that policies for earning credit for prior learning vary among CSU campuses.

Cal State L.A. grants up to 4 units of resident credit for UNIV 295 , a course in which the student enrolls and, in collaboration with a faculty sponsor, prepares a portfolio documenting the prior learning. In addition, a student may earn up to 8 units of nonresident credit, applicable to a bachelor’s degree, for learning, knowledge, or skills-based experience that has been documented and evaluated according to campus policy. To qualify, students must have  completed 45 quarter units in residence at Cal State L.A. and not more than 165 quarter units overall, and must demonstrate how the prior learning articulates with their present educational objectives. Credit is awarded for UNIV 295  and for the prior learning based on faculty evaluation of the learning experience in terms of academic standards both within the discipline and university-wide. Applications for CPEL are available in the office of the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Administration 725.

Cooperative Education*

Cal State L.A. offers a range of Cooperative Education courses carrying different unit values.

The following courses are offered through the Cooperative Education program.

  • 298 Preparation for Cooperative Education (2 units)
  • 398 Cooperative Education (1–4 units)
  • 399 Cooperative Education Honors (1–4 units)
  • 498 Advanced Cooperative Education (1–4 units)

UNIV 298  is open to all students without restriction. Admission to UNIV 398 , 399 , and 498  is arranged through the coordinator for the student’s major department, division or school. Admission to UNIV 399 requires UNIV 298 as prerequisite, as well as eligibility for a University or academic department or division honors program.

A minimum 2.35 overall grade point average is required and students must have completed 45 quarter units of course work before requesting permission of their major department, division or school to enroll. Approved employment, periodic conferences, and written reports are required.

Full descriptions of cooperative education courses (UNIV 298, 398, 399, and 498) are found in the University (UNIV) Courses section of this chapter.

Internship in Public Service*

The Internship in Public Service program combines individual instruction with practical experience in government agencies and quasi-public enterprises. Although enrollment usually is restricted to Political Science majors, non-majors with appropriate background and preparation may apply. The program operates similarly to the Cooperative Education program, except that the maximum 6 units earned may apply only to upper division free elective credit rather than toward the major. A qualifying civil service examination is required for admission to some internship programs. Information about opportunities and qualifications may be obtained from the coordinator in the Political Science Department.

* NOTE: Students should note that a limited amount of unit credit is allowed toward the baccalaureate for each of these programs. Policies and regulations differ among various departments, divisions, schools and colleges. Each student should consult the appropriate major department, division, school or college for specific procedures and instructions.


University Programs:

Special Major, B.A. 
Special Major B.S. 

Undergraduate Minor

Interdisciplinary Information Technology (IT) Minor 
Interdisciplinary Studies Minor in Multimedia 

Masters Programs

Interdisciplinary Studies Master’s Degree MA or MS 

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