Feb 15, 2025  
University Catalog 2022-2023 
University Catalog 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Approved Teacher Preparation, Teaching, Specialist and Service Credential Programs




Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Options for the Multiple Subject Credential or Education Specialist Instruction Credential (Special Education)

(For Students Interested in Obtaining a Degree Prior to Enrollment in a Credential Program)

These 120 semester unit program options prepare prospective teachers for grades K-8. Because passing the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET) is a prerequisite for a teaching credential, students in Option II are expected to prepare for and take the three portions of the CSET: Multiple Subjects at their earliest convenience and report their results to a Department advisor. Based on the CSET results and students’ previous coursework, advisors will recommend directed elective courses to help students prepare for any sections of the CSET that have not been passed.  Consult a faculty adviser in your major department for further information.

Elementary Subject Matter Teacher Preparation Programs for the Multiple Subject or the Education Specialist Instruction Credential are offered with the following undergraduate degrees:

  • Child Development, B.A.,
  • Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies, B.A.
  • Liberal Studies, B.A.,
  • Urban Learning, B.A.,

Integrated Elementary Subject Matter Options

(For students interested in obtaining a bachelor’s degree concurrently with their Multiple Subject Credential or Education Specialist Internship Credential)

Students must complete a 120-135 semester-unit program which includes specified university, general education, major, additional subject matter, credential and other graduation and credential requirements. The following undergraduate degrees with integrated options for the multiple subject credential and education specialist intern credential option are:

  • Child Development, B.A.,
  • Chicana(o) and Latina(o) Studies, B.A.
  • Liberal Studies, B.A.,
  • Urban Learning, B.A.,

Subject Matter Preparation Program for the Single Subject Credential

Candidates for the Single Subject teaching credential must verify subject matter competence in their designated teaching field by one of the following methods: 1) completing an approved academic program of coursework (or its equivalent) in the selected subject-matter area or 2) passing the required examination(s) for the subject-matter area in which the credential is sought.

Single Subject Authorized Area

Degree Program

Art Art, BA
English English, BA
Language Other Than English Spanish, BA
Mathematics Mathematics, BS
Music Music, BA
Physical Education Kinesiology, BS
Science: Biological Science Natural Science, BS
Science: Chemistry Natural Science, BS
Science: Geoscience Natural Science, BS
Science: Physics Natural Science, BS
Social Science Sociology, BA

Integrated Single Subject Teaching Credential and Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics

The Integrated Single Subject Teaching Credential option provides students with the opportunity to complete subject matter certification and teacher education coursework while completing the bachelors of science degree in mathematics in 135 semester units.

  • Mathematics, B.S., Option III

Postbaccalaureate Teaching, Specialist and Service Credential Programs

Teaching and Specialist Credentials

  • Preliminary Multiple Subject Credential
  • Preliminary Single Subject Credential
  • Intern and Preliminary Education Specialist Instruction Credential in:
  1. Early Childhood Special Education
  2. Mild/Moderate Disabilities
  3. Moderate/Severe Disabilities
  4. Physical and Health Impairments
  5. Visual Impairments
  • Clear (Induction) Education Specialist Credential
  • Reading and Literacy Leadership Specialist Credential

CTC Added Authorizations

  • Adapted Physical Education (can be added to multiple/single subject credential or education specialist instruction credentials)
  • Bilingual Authorization (can be added to a multiple/single subject credential or education specialist instruction credential)
  • California Reading Certificate (can be added to a teaching credential)
  • Added Authorizations for the Education Specialist Instruction Credentials:
    1. Autism Spectrum Disorders
    2. Orthopedic Impairment
    3. Other Health Impairment

Supplementary Authorizations

To accompany Single Subject or Multiple Subject Teaching Credentials:

The holder of valid multiple subject or a single subject teaching credential issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing may have one or more of the subjects commonly taught in departmentalized classes added to the credential as a supplementary authorization by verifying completion of the requirements specified in Title 5, California Code of Regulations, 80057.5 or 80089, 8089.1, and 80089.2. Supplementary authorizations cannot be issued in any subject that falls within the statutory single subject category of an applicant’s single subject teaching credential.

Contact the Charter College of Education Office for Student Services (KH D2078) for information concerning the specific requirements for subjects approved for supplementary authorization and the procedure to apply to the Commission.

Services Credentials

Administrative Services

  • Preliminary Administrative Services Credential 
  • Clear Administrative Services Credential

Clinical-Rehabilitative Services

  • Clinical Rehabilitative Services Credential in Orientation & Mobility (for serving individuals who are blind or visually impaired)

Speech-Language Pathology

  • Speech-Language Pathology Services Credential in Language, Speech and Hearing

Pupil Personnel Services

(includes advanced specializations in School Counseling and in Child Welfare and Attendance Services)

  • School Counseling and Child Welfare and Attendance Services
  • School Counseling (internships available)
  • School Psychology and Child Welfare and Attendance Services
  • School Psychology (internships available)