Jan 21, 2025  
University Catalog 2012-2013 
University Catalog 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services and Financial Aid

Faculty and professional staff provide education-related services for students within several centers and offices. These include the University Academic Advisement Center, the University Tutorial Center, the University Testing Center, the University Writing Center, the Career Development Center, the Student Health Center, the Center for Student Financial Aid, the Office for Students with Disabilities, and the offices of Admissions and University Outreach, International Student Services, and Housing and Residence Life. Additional services are provided by various areas of the campus. In addition, many departments, divisions, and colleges offer students opportunities for involvement in campus life.

Career Development Center 


General Information

Home Page: www.calstatela.edu/univ/cdc
Hours of Operation:  
Mon./Thurs. 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Appointments/Information (323) 343-3237
Student Employment (323) 343-3277
On-Campus Interviews (323) 343-3276

Students are required to show a valid Cal State L.A. Student I.D. to receive career services. Cal State L.A. graduates are entitled to an additional quarter of free access to Career Center services. After that, students must become Career Center Associates or members of the Alumni Association in order to receive career services.

Career Counseling

Choosing an academic major and investigating career options (including graduate programs and professional schools) are important career planning steps. Integrating all of the details of a job search is an important career placement procedure. Professional career counselors are available by appointment and on a limited walk-in basis for individual consultation about these issues.


A variety of workshops is offered to assist students in their career planning and job search. Workshops address such topics as choosing a major, interview techniques, resumé writing, and job search strategies. A workshop schedule may be obtained through the Career Center Website or by visiting the Career Center at the beginning of each quarter.

Career Development Resources

Career Assessment Instruments

The Strong Interest Inventory (SII) and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) are offered by individual appointment. A small fee is charged for each instrument.

Computer-Assisted Guidance Choices

This computer-assisted career assessment program focuses on interests, experiences, and work-related values. It provides job titles, descriptions, employment outlook information, and information about colleges and universities across the U.S.

WinWay Resume is a program that automates the entire resume writing process, from overall format to job specific content.

Perfect Interview is an interactive program that provides mock interviews. A webcam records student responses to an interviewer’s questions. Students can view their responses and see a pre-recorded sample of an expert response.

Career Resource Library

The Center maintains a comprehensive collection of books, directories, binders, and videos on the following topics:

  • Academic majors and careers
  • Interviewing techniques, resume and cover letter writing, job search strategies.
  • Salary surveys and labor statistics.
  • Job search books for special populations.
  • Graduate and professional programs
  • Company profiles
  • Civil service positions

The library also features computers for students to use for career-related purposes.

Eagle iJobs

The Career Center provides exclusive job listings to Cal State L.A. students featuring full and part-time on and off-campus jobs and internships via Eagle iJobs. All job seekers are encouraged to register with the service, and can see the front desk for details.

Student Employment

Student Employment offers a valuable service for students who seek part-time employment. There are two types of programs on campus:

Student Assistant:
Students are employed to assist faculty and staff on a part-time basis, maximum of 20 hours per week, in many offices of the University. Students may consult the Student Employment Unit for information.

Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program:
The Federal Work-Study program is intended to increase part-time employment opportunities and to assist financially-eligible students. Determination of eligibility for FWS awards is made by the Center for Student Financial Aid, Student Affairs 124. Job openings are listed on display boards in the Career Center and online.

Off-Campus Federal Work-Study:
Off-Campus employment through the Federal Work-Study program offers an exciting work experience that combines paid community service with active learning, for qualified students. Current openings are listed online and in the Career Center.

Other Programs

Job Referral

Through the Job Referral program, a wide range of vacancies in business, industry, civil service, and education is made available to the campus community. Job vacancies are accessible online via Eagle iJobs and are also listed in the Career Center on our job boards and in our binders.

Internships/Cooperative Education

Internships may be paid or unpaid and offer students hands-on experience in their major discipline. Cooperative Education positions are internships that enable students, with department/division approval, to earn elective credit toward an academic major or minor. Current listings are available in the Career Center.

On-Campus Interview (OCI) Program

The Career Center coordinates interviews for seniors and recent graduates with representatives of business, industry, education and government agencies. Interviews for entry level career positions take place in the Career Center in the fall and spring.

Career/Job Fairs

Each year, more than 200 employers visit the campus during the fall and spring quarters to participate in the Career/Job Fairs. The representatives are interested in students from a variety of majors and a wide range of experiences.

The Education Job Fair, a career fair for those seeking employment in schools pre-K - 12, is held each March.

Alumni Program

Any person who becomes a Career Center Associate or a member of the CSULA Alumni Association is entitled to use most Career Center services. Contact the Career Center for information on how to become a Career Center Associate. An annual fee is charged for membership. Services include:

  • Access to job listings in the Career Center and on Eagle iJobs
  • Use of the Career Resource Library
  • Individual appointments with a career counselor
  • Participation in workshops and career information programs
  • Use of computer-assisted programs
  • Participation in on-campus interviews, limited to a space-available basis (Cal State L.A. graduates only)
  • Attendance at all Career/Job Fairs

Center for Student Financial Aid

The Center for Student Financial Aid, located in Student Affairs 124, assists students find resources to finance their education at Cal State L.A. The center administers a variety of federal and state grants, scholarships, work-study, and student loan programs. The Center is open Monday through Thursday between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.

To apply for financial assistance, students must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the Department of Education processing center. Information submitted is evaluated to determine financial aid eligibility. The priority deadline is March 2nd of each calendar year. Applications received after the March 2nd priority deadline will be processed in a rolling basis and awarded based remaining funds. Students must re-apply for financial aid every academic year.

Students are encouraged to apply on-line at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/index.htm or may obtain a paper (FAFSA) form at the Center for Student Financial Aid, at any college financial aid office, in high school guidance offices, or local libraries. Applicants are notified by email or mail about their eligibility for financial aid.

Financial Aid Programs

Students who submit a completed (FAFSA) are considered for the following types of financial aid:


Federal, state, or institutional funds that do not have to be repaid.


Federally-guaranteed student loans with low interest rates that students must begin repaying six months after they graduate or drop below half-time status.

Employment through the Federal Work-Study Program

On and off-campus student work opportunities offered by the Federal Work-Study Program. The Career Development Center assists in job placement.

Need Analysis and Eligibility

Financial aid eligibility is determined from information provided on the FAFSA. A Federal Methodology is used to determine the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from students and their families. The difference between the cost of education and the Expected Family Contribution constitutes financial need.

Summer Funding

Financial aid (grants, loans and work-study) is available to eligible students for Summer Quarter attendance.

To learn more about financial aid at Cal State L.A., visit the Website: http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/finaid/index_FA.htm


There are over 300 scholarships available to students who are currently attending Cal State L.A. Available scholarships have a wide variety of criteria, and many are for new and continuing undergraduate, graduate and certificate students enrolled with the University. Scholarships are based on such criteria as academic major, academic achievement, campus and/or community participation, financial need, or a variety of other purposes. Some scholarships will provide funding for student fees; others will support the cost of books, transportation and living expenses.

Students who wish to be considered for all institutional scholarships for which they are qualified should file one (1) General Scholarship Application and have one (1) letter of recommendation. The application and letter should be submitted to the Center for Student Financial Aid, Student Affairs 124. The submission deadline for new students is in March. The deadline for continuing students is in April.

For criteria and up-to-date scholarship listings, go to http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/finaid/on_campus.htm

New Student Orientation Programs

All freshman students enrolling for the first time at Cal State L.A. are required to attend an orientation to the University prior to registering for classes for their first quarter of attendance. Transfer students are not required to attend but attendance is strongly recommended. Orientation programs are planned to introduce new undergraduate students to Cal State L.A. The programs are held shortly before new student registration; the dates appear in the Schedule of Classes each quarter. Participating students are welcomed by campus administrators and student leaders, given valuable information by faculty advisors, invited to participate in small group sessions with trained student orientation leaders, and assisted in registering for classes. More information is available by calling (323) 343-3195, or at the University Orientation Website: www.calstatela.edu/univ/stuaffrs/orientation

Educational Participation in Communities (EPIC)

EPIC is the University’s community service learning center. EPIC encourages Cal State L.A. students to become involved in off-campus community service and works with faculty to support service learning courses. Students can gain valuable experience and personal development through a wide range of service opportunities and can also receive academic credit for volunteer service by enrolling in Community Service 395, a course offered by several academic departments. EPIC also coordinates other community service initiatives such as the America Reads/America Counts tutorial program, the annual Toy and Food Drive, and the Youth Employment Program. Utilizing principles of student development, EPIC employs approximately 50 Federal Work Study students who serve as leaders and coordinators of all of the program’s service initiatives. For further information contact EPIC in the lower level of the Career Center or call (323) 343-3380.

Student Health Services

Medical Services

The Student Health Center (SHC) offers a full array of health-related services including general medical care of common health problems, women’s health and family planning, physical examinations, health promotion and education, dental care, pharmacy, X-ray, laboratory, optometry, chiropractic, and massage therapy. Many services are offered free of charge, and others are provided at low costs. The SHC also provides various immunizations such as those required for admission to Cal State L.A., employment, and traveling. The center is open Monday–Friday. For more information call (323)343-3300 or visit the Student Health Center web site, http://www.calstatela.edu/univ/hlth_ctr/. To make appointments, students can call (323)343-3302.

Students having severe or complicated illnesses that need hospitalization or care beyond the scope of the health center are referred to private or community providers/facilities. Because on-campus services may not meet students’ year-round health needs, enrollment in a program of supplemental health insurance is recommended. Information about the campus-sponsored program is available at the Student Health Center.

Personal Counseling

The Counseling and Psychological Services in the SHC provides individual and group counseling for students dealing with issues such as depression, anxiety, personal adjustment difficulties, problems with interpersonal relationships, conflicts about sexuality, coping with stress, and clarifying goals. Counseling can help students deal with their personal and emotional issues and make the most of their education by fostering personal growth and promoting mental health. The center is a place where individuals can explore and express their feelings, values, and concerns with a trained professional in an atmosphere that is confidential, interactive, and non-judgmental. Students can make appointments by calling (323) 343-3314.

Other Services and Programs

Anna Bing Arnold Child Center

The Anna Bing Arnold Child Care Center provides part-time and full-time day care at a nominal cost for children ages two to five years whose parents are Cal State L.A. students, staff, or faculty members. The center is located at 2300 Levanda St. in Los Angeles, adjacent to the campus. The attractive, residential style building with a large, fully fenced yard was designed to serve as a learning environment for Cal State L.A. students as well as for children. For applications and information, call (323) 343-2470.

Immigration Counseling Services

Provides assistance to visa students, foreign scholars, and foreign faculty with visa issuance (F, H, and J visas, etc.), maintenance of student status, and matters that involve the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Opportunities to Study at Other Universities in the U.S. and Abroad

The California State University International Programs (IP) provides the opportunity to study for an academic year at top universities in numerous countries. The International Office (SA 115) offers information about short-term study opportunities in other countries, Fulbright and Rotary fellowships, internships, volunteer programs, and short-term work opportunities abroad. Academic credit is available for study abroad. Financial aid may be applied to these programs. Many programs cost little more than studying at Cal State L.A. For more information about these programs, visit Student Affairs 115, call (323) 343-3170, or refer to the International Programs section in the chapter titled The University.

Office for Students with Disabilities

The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) provides services designed to enhance the educational and social experience of students with disabilities. Students with verified disabilities are provided appropriate disability-related services as eligible from the following list:

  • Admission requirement information
  • Orientation to OSD services
  • Priority registration
  • Program change assistance
  • Temporary disabled parking
  • Liaison to the State Department of Rehabilitation
  • Referrals to on- and off-campus resources
  • Referrals for Diagnostic assessment of learning disabilities
  • Referral to on-campus computer labs that have adaptive equipment
  • Disability management counseling
  • Test-taking accommodations
  • Note taking services
  • Tutoring by referral
  • Interpreters (sign language and oral)
  • Real-time captioning
  • Test proctors
  • Lab assistants

Adaptive Technology Program

The Adaptive Technology Program provides students alternative access to electronic information and computer technology, including orientation and training. The program provides campus-wide support for the libraries, academic technology services, and all academic departments and divisions. The program has a lab of twelve computers in Library South Palmer Wing room 1080. The program provides training and support on standard software, voice-input systems, screen readers, enlargement software, Braille translation and printing, CCTV’s, book-reading equipment, and other educational aids.

Alternative Media Services

Alternative media accommodations are available to eligible students with documented disabilities that impair the ability to perceive, comprehend or manipulate written materials. Students who believe they are eligible should meet with a Disability Specialist to discuss their needs.

The Office for Students with Disabilities is located in Administration 127, (323) 343-3140 (TDD 343-3139); fax (323) 343-6429.

Veterans’ Services

Cal State L.A. is approved for the training and education of veterans of the military services and their dependents under educational assistance programs established by the state and federal governments. Authorization for education benefits under all federal bills must be obtained from the Veterans Administration through its regional office at 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90024 or online at http://gibill.va.gov/apply-for-benefits/application/. Veterans with no prior claims under the G.I. Bills are urged to request their letter of eligibility at least two months before enrolling. Those transferring from another school should submit their G.I. Bill transfer request at least one month before enrolling.

The Veterans Affairs Office, located in Administration 122, (323) 343-5080, and acts as a liaison and advocate for student-veterans on campus. The office also provides General Education academic advising, housing information, additional VA benefits counseling, and is home to the Student Veteran Organization on campus. The Certifying Official is located at Administration 401, (323) 343-3943 and provides enrollment certification for financial benefits and serves as a liaison between the University and the VA regional office for benefit payments and advisement about current benefits. Information about changes in legislative regulations and procedures also is available at both offices.

Children of Disabled Veterans

Students who qualify as children of certain disabled veterans of U.S. military services may be exempted from paying any student services portion of the registration fees, according to the California Education Code. Information about eligibility requirements and applications for waiver of these fees are available in the Office of Veterans’ Services.

Housing Services - Living on Campus

Cal State L.A.’s resident apartments offer an excellent “home away from home” for students who choose to live on campus, from freshmen to graduate students. All of the 132 two-bedroom and 60 four-bedroom apartments are furnished, including carpeting and blinds, air conditioning, stoves, microwave ovens and refrigerators. Students may relax in two community centers. The complex also offers a recreation/game room, large TV lounge, computer lab, dining room and laundry facilities. The basketball court is equipped with lights for evening use. Parking is available in a specially designated, well-lit parking area. Live-in staff members help residents build and maintain a sense of community. Resident Advisors provide both educational and social programs to create a well-rounded experience for students who live in on-campus housing.

Opening Fall 2011, Dobbs Street Community Housing for Graduate Students. Students can look forward to affordable housing with single occupancy in two-bedroom apartments. There are suite-style and double occupancy rooms for students on a stricter budget. Living at the Dobbs Street Community gives you an opportunity to meet and live among graduate students and enhance your academic experience. Take advantage of our quiet community living with convenient access to classes, faculty, libraries, research facilities and other campus resources. It is perfect for students without cars and only minutes away from class.

For more information, contact Housing Services at askhousing@cslanet.calstatela.edu, (323) 343-4800 or visit the website: www.calstatela.edu/univ/housing/.

University-Student Union

The University-Student Union (U-SU), (323) 343-2450, is the focal point of extracurricular interaction for the University community. Students, staff, faculty, alumni, and invited guests participate in social, cultural, recreational, and educational activities. In temporary quarters until a new University Student Union is built, the Union offers information services, lounge and study areas, and employment opportunities, as well as student activities and special events.

Board of Directors

The University-Student Union Board of Directors, which comprises 13 voting members including seven students, establishes policy and governance and develops administrative policies that affect the management of the building. The board conducts much of its work through a committee structure that includes fiscal, personnel, space allocation and building usage, student programs and executive committees. Meetings are open to the public, and attendance is encouraged. Applications for the U-SU Board can be picked up in Room 306 or by contacting Joe Sedlacek at 323-343-2450.

Union Meeting & Event Services

The Union Meeting & Event Services (UMES) office is responsible for processing reservation requests and assisting sponsors with identifying the most efficient use of designated and programmable space in the University-Student Union. This office also coordinates all nonacademic scheduling of campus facilities for recognized student clubs and organizations. Meeting rooms, conference facilities and audio-visual or media equipment for conferences, retreats, receptions, and social events can also be reserved through this office. UMES is located on the third floor of the University-Student Union in Room 306. Please feel free to contact us by phone at 323-343-2465 or by email at ureserv@cslanet.calstatela.edu

Student Activities

Cross Cultural Centers

The mission of the Cross Cultural Centers at California State University, Los Angeles is to encourage student learning as well as foster an inclusive campus community that challenges racism, sexism, heterosexism, classism, and other forms of oppression. With a commitment to social justice and increasing cross-cultural awareness, the CCC offers a wide variety of programs and services that explore the shared and unique experiences, histories, and heritages of our diverse community.

The Cross Cultural Centers consist of four resource centers: Gender & Sexuality Resource Center (founded as Women’s Resource Center) in 1976; Pan African Student Resource Center, founded in 1990; Asian Pacific Islander Student Resource Center, founded in 1993; and Chicana/o Latina/o Student Resource Center, founded in 1993. The CCC is located on the second floor of the University-Student Union, Room 206. Contact the Cross Cultural Centers at (323) 343-5001.

Center for Student Involvement


The Center for Student Involvement serves as a hub for student involvement and programs, adding to the value of campus life at Cal State L.A. The Center is responsible for Campus Programs and Activities; Student Organizations; Fraternities and Sororities; and Student Leadership Initiatives.
Over 150 programs are offered each year for Cal State L.A. students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. A group of student coordinators plan and promote a variety of events, including Fall Student Fest, Mardi Gras, musical entertainment, comedy performances, lectures, workshops, and recreational trips.

Cal State L.A. hosts over 100 student organizations that address a variety of issues and plan hundreds of events each year. The student organizations represent academic, cultural, political, professional, religious and spiritual, service, social, and recreational interests. Students are able to join an existing organization or start one of their own.

Many programs are offered that allow students to explore and enhance their leadership abilities including the Leader Project and Leader to Leader. U-Lead workshops are offered throughout the year by the Center to serve all leaders.The Center is located on the second level of the University- Student Union in room 204. Please feel free to contact The Center for Student Involvement at 323-343-5110 or centersd@calstatela.edu.

Sororities and Fraternities

A traditional part of campus life for many Cal State L.A. students is membership in fraternity and sorority organizations, which offer the chance to meet new friends and participate in an extensive program of activities. In addition to social functions, these organizations are involved in various campus and community projects and provide housing for a limited number of their members.

Sororities Fraternities
Alpha Sigma Tau Alpha Phi Alpha
Alpha Theta Pi Fraternity, Inc
Chi Sigma Phi Beta Colony Beta Gamma Nu
Delta Phi Sigma Gamma Zeta Alpha
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Phi Sigma Kappa
Delta Zeta Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Kappa Zeta Phi Sigma Lambda Beta
Lambda Theta Alpha Sigma Nu
Lambda Theta Nu  
Sigma Lambda Gamma Colony  
Upsilon Kappa Delta  
Zeta Phi Beta  

Co-Ed Fraternity

Alpha Phi Omega
Delta Sigma Chi
Kappa Mu Alpha

Women’s and Gender Studies Activities

A wide variety of programs in Women’s and Gender Studies are offered through the Center for the Study of Genders and Sexualities (CSGS). Lectures, performances, faculty-research discussions, internships, and research opportunities are all open to students. CSGS invites students to serve on planning committees as well. Students from all majors and minors are eligible to participate.


The School of Kinesiology and Nutritional Science offers a variable selection of intramural sports and activities for all men and women at Cal State L.A. Opportunities range from varied recreational interests to competitive intramural leagues. Students may enroll for credit in an intramurals course, PE 110.

Student Publications

A wide variety of student publications represent the myriad academic and professional interests of Cal State L.A.’s student body. A partial list of these publications appears below. For information about being involved in–or receiving–a particular publication, interested students should contact the appropriate department/division/school.


Department or College Office

Statement English
University Times Communication Studies
Perspectives: A Journal of History History