Jul 08, 2024  
University Catalog 2019-2020 
University Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Special Education (Graduate)

All 4000-level courses may be applied toward master’s degree requirements except the following, subject to limits established by the division and approval of the graduate adviser: EDSP 4030, 4070, 4890. Classified graduate standing is required for admission, except that postbaccalaureate students may enroll in 5000-level courses that are required in a credential program.

  • EDSP 5380 - Seminar in Moderate to Severe Disabilities

    Prerequisite: EDSP 5310 or permission from the instructor. Issues and research relevant to current practices in educational services of individuals with moderate/severe disabilities.

  • EDSP 5600 - Seminar: Education of Individuals with Physical Disabilities

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4620. Identification and analysis of problems and current issues relating to the education of individuals with physical disabilities and those with multiple disabilities; review of research on specific disabilities.

  • EDSP 5610 - Essential and Functional Skills for Students with Physical, Health, and Multiple Disabilities

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4000. Physical/health management and instructional strategies for students with physical, health, and multiple disabilities. Physical management techniques, assistive technology, functional skills for personal care, specialized instructional strategies, and health management.

  • EDSP 5620 - Physical, Health, and Multiple Disabilities

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4000. Understanding physical, health, and multiple disabilities, including neuromotor impairments, traumatic brain injury, degenerative diseases, orthopedic/musculoskeletal disorders, health impairments, major chromosomal anomalies/syndromes, and infectious diseases. Impact of disability on psychological and sociological interactions and outcomes.

  • EDSP 5640 - Academic Skills for Individuals with Visual Impairment and Blindness

    Prerequisites: Pre/Co-requisite: EDSP 4660; braille reading/writing and Nemeth code proficiency required.  Assessments, methods, and strategies related to the teaching of academic skills to individuals with a visual impairment or blindness with emphasis on specialized assessment tools, instructional curriculum, materials, and methods.  

  • EDSP 5650 - Advanced Seminar in Low Vision

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4650. Assessment and development of instructional strategies and modifications for individuals with low vision; use of optical/non-optical devices and visual skills to promote visual efficiency in home, school and community environments.

  • EDSP 5660 - Advanced Braille Codes for Individuals with Visual Impairments

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4660 or instructor consent. Advanced mathematical braille code and basic braille code for music, foreign language, and computer braille (ASCII) to VI teachers., including instructional strategies for teaching content related to codes, including abacus.

  • EDSP 5661 - Braille Competency Examination

    Pre/co-requisite: EDSP 5660. Students must demonstrate proficiency at overwriting and transcribing text into braille using a Perkins braille writer and a slate and stylus in literary and mathematical braille codes.

  • EDSP 5670 - Low Incidence Early Childhood Special Education

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4000. Early intervention  strategies for working with infants, toddlers, and young children with low incidence disabilities (deaf and hard-of-hearing, visual impairments, and physical and health impairments) and multiple disabilities.

  • EDSP 5671 - Specialized Instructional Strategies for Struggling Readers and English Language Learners Who are Visually Impaired

    Pre/co-requisite: EDSP 5660. Advanced understanding of impact of visual impairment and English language fluency on reading/writing performance for students using Braille and/or print learning media, including development of individualized reading programs, diagnostic/remediation skills for teachers. Lecture 4 hours. Note: This course will be offered through a distance learning model that uses web-based learning, students must be proficient in, and have access to current technology (hardware and software), and be proficient in using e-mail, including sending attachments.

  • EDSP 5672 - Advanced Issues in Education of Students with Visual Impairment and Blindness

    Prerequisites: EDSP 4660, EDSP 5800. Identification and analysis of issues and current research relating to education of students with visual impairment and blindness, including its applications to educational practice.

  • EDSP 5680 - Functional Skills from the Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired

    Pre/co-requisite: EDSP 4000. Teaching functional skills (e.g., personal management, self-advocacy, recreation, social and daily living skills, cooking, and O&M basics) from the expanded core curriculum to students who are blind or visually impaired.

  • EDSP 5690 - Specialized Technology for Individuals with Visual Impairments

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4660 or equivalent. Hands-on instructional training and applied practicum in adaptive technology specific to individuals with visual impairments, including electronic notetakers, tactile graphics, computer-generated braille translation, and computer screen access programs.

  • EDSP 5750 - Seminar in Orientation and Mobility for Individuals who are Blind

    Prerequisite: Admission to the Orientation and Mobility Program. Seminar in orientation and mobility to support travel for individuals who are blind and visually impaired across the lifespan, including methods, assessment, sensory systems, health/development, assistive technology and environmental access.

  • EDSP 5760 - Seminar in Visual Impairment and Additional Disabilities

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4000. Seminar  for addressing the impact of additional disabilities when teaching  students who have visual impairments.    Emphasis is on  modifications, accommodations, task analysis, positive behavior support, communication strategies,  and use of adaptive devices.

  • EDSP 5800 - Research Methods in Special Education

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4000 or equivalent. Study of research relating to psychological and educational problems of exceptional children, introduction to methodological problems in developing, conducting, and reporting research in special education.

  • EDSP 5801 - Problems and Practices in Special Education

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4000 or equivalent. Problems of organization, administration, and supervision of special education programs; evaluation of recent proposed needed legislation; review of current literature for advanced students and administrators.

  • EDSP 5811 - Seminar: Issues and Strategies for Multicultural Special Education Students

    Prerequisite: EDSP 4010. Introduction to special education for multicultural/bilingual exceptional students, issues in nondiscriminatory assessment, instructional strategies for multicultural/bilingual special education students

  • EDSP 5881 - Transition Planning for Secondary Students with Disabilities

    Principles and issues of transition planning for secondary-level students with disabilities in postsecondary education, supported employment, independent living, leisure/recreation, and community living, self-determination, needs assessment in curriculum, instructional strategies, and inter-agency collaboration.

  • EDSP 5886 - Educating Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Pre/co-requisite: EDSP 4030 or COUN 5016. Characteristics of Autism Spectrum Disorders. Review of assessment strategies, current interventions to improve behavior, communication, and social skills across the lifespan. Classroom arrangement and organization strategies. Interdisciplinary approaches, family partnership.

  • EDSP 5887 - Advanced Strategies Supporting Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

    Prerequisites: EDSP 4030, EDSP 5886. Current research, assessment and data collection, evidence-based methodologies and collaborative consultation with multidisciplinary teams; support across diverse student and family needs, in various educational settings, and across the lifespan for individuals with ASD.

  • EDSP 5960 - Comprehensive Examination

    See the Comprehensive Examination in the requirements for the Masters Degree section of this catalog.

  • EDSP 5970 - Graduate Research

    Prerequisite: EDFN 5000 or instructor consent. Independent research under guidance of faculty. May be repeated for credit. Graded CR/NC.

  • EDSP 5980 - Graduate Directed Study

    Prerequisites: GPA of 3.0 (B) or better in all graduate work in education, consent of division chair, instructor to act as sponsor. Independent directed study of advanced topics in field; regular conferences with sponsor. May be repeated for credit.

  • EDSP 5990A - Thesis Planning

    Prerequisites: EDFN 4520, (EDFN 5000 or EDSP 5800), Advancement to Candidacy, submitted writing sample, and written approval of the thesis or project chair. Prior to completion, student will have completed a draft of thesis or project proposal, selected a thesis committee, and submitted a final draft of the thesis or project proposal to the committee, and turned in all required paperwork IRB application, if required, should also be submitted for review. Graded CR/NC.

  • EDSP 5990B - Thesis

    Prerequisites: EDSP 5990A, written approval of thesis/project chair. Completion of the thesis or substantial progress toward completion under the direct supervision of the thesis committee. Graded CR/NC; repeatable up to 4 units.

  • EDSP 5995A - Project Planning

    Prior to completion, students will have completed draft of project proposal, selected a project committee, and submitted draft of  project proposal to committee. Graded CR/NC.

  • EDSP 5995B - Project

    Independent research resulting in a project. May be repeated once for credit. Required advisor approval. Graded CR/NC.

Special Education (Doctoral)

  • EDSP 6000 - Seminar: Understanding and Using Research to Answer Questions about Diverse Urban Schools

    Prerequisites: Post-master’s degree standing and permission of instructor, program director/coordinator, and division chair. Development of critical analysis, interpretation, synthesis of research, and communication of findings on issues related to students with disabilities in diverse urban schools and colleges to promote achievement and inclusion.


    *Semester Units

  • EDSP 6040 - Disability, Race, Language, and Gender: Educational Equity, School Policy, and the Law

    Prerequisites: Post-master’s degree standing and permission of instructor, program director/coordinator, and division chair. Current legal, policy, and leadership issues regarding the education of diverse students, with a focus on disability, race, language, and gender. Review of important and litigation with practice implications.

  • EDSP 6050 - Disability in Society

    Prerequisite: Admission to the Ed.D./Ph.D. program; or consent of instructor. Research on disability and its impact on the individual and society; leadership perspectives and skills for supporting persons with disabilities.

  • EDSP 6100 - Research, Issues, and Practices in College and University Teaching

    Prerequisites: Post-master’s degree standing or permission of instructor, adviser, and division chair. Current research, issues, and practices in college and university teaching; instructional planning and preparation; student and program evaluation; non-instructional responsibilities of faculty.

  • EDSP 6110 - Seminar/Practicum:Teacher Preparation

    Prerequisites: Post-master’s degree standing or permission of instructor, adviser, and division chair. Discussion and demonstration of instruction and assessment practices in higher education teaching and supervision of student field and laboratory teaching assignments in teacher preparation. Seminar and supervised teaching experience in university teaching and/or supervision in special education.

  • EDSP 6400 - Research on Exceptional Students from Diverse Cultural and Linguistic Backgrounds

    Prerequisites: Post-master’s degree standing and permission of instructor, program director/coordinator, and division chair. Research on the relationships among culture language, and literacy; impact of disabilities on language, cognition, and academic achievement; identification and placement issues/strategies; and culturally responsive educational settings.

  • EDSP 6600 - Seminar: Research on Learning Disabilities and Behavior Disorders

    Prerequisites: Post-master’s degree standing and permission of instructor, program director/coordinator, and division chair. Research, theory, and policy related to educating individuals at-risk or identified as having learning disabilities or behavior disorders; issues related to prevention and risk, identification, placement, and intervention.

  • EDSP 6800 - Doctoral Seminar: Moderate to Severe and Low-Incidence Disabilities Ages Birth-21

    Prerequisites: Post-masters degree standing and permission of instructor, program director/coordinator, and division chair. Research on education of individuals with disabilities, birth - age 21, with emphasis on moderate to severe and low incidence disabilities. Focus on services and evidence-based practices for diverse populations.

  • EDSP 6980 - Doctoral Directed Study in Special Education

    Prerequisite: Consent of an instructor to act as sponsor. Independent directed study of advanced topics in field; regular conferences with sponsor. May be repeated for credit.

  • EDSP 6990 - Doctoral Dissertation

    Prerequisites: Advancement to Candidacy for Ph.D. degree, consent of an instructor to act as sponsor, division approval of topic prior to registration. Continuous enrollment required while student is working on dissertation.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Undergraduate)

  • TESL 4000 - Linguistics in Language Education

    This introductory course examines key sociocultural and educational issues related to language learning and use and covers key concepts in linguistics such as phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Graduate)

All 4000-level courses may be applied toward master’s degree requirements, subject to limits established by the division and approval of the graduate adviser.
Classified graduate standing is required for admission, except that postbaccalaureate students may enroll in 5000-level courses that are required in a credential program

  • TESL 5600 - Theories of Teaching and Learning Second Languages

    Prerequisites: TESL 4000; or ENGL 4101, or EDSP 4010. Addresses major questions in the teaching and learning of second languages, such as how first language acquisition compares with second, the role of affective/cultural variables and theories underlying teaching methods.

  • TESL 5610 - Pedagogical Grammar for Teachers of ESL/EFL

    Prerequisites: TESL 4000, (EDSP 4010 or ENGL 4101), TESL 5600. The role of grammar in second/foreign language teaching and survey of the structure of English grammar for ESL/EFL teachers; strategies for presenting grammatical forms to nonnative speakers of English.

  • TESL 5620 - Methods for Teaching Second Languages

    Prerequisite: TESL 5600. Current instructional methods for teaching ESL/EFL to students at beginning through intermediate levels (K-12, Adult). 

  • TESL 5640 - Teaching English as a Second Language for Academic Purposes

    Prerequisites: TESL 5600; TESL 5620. Teaching techniques for preparing ESL students for university-level academic study.

  • TESL 5650 - Using Computers in the Language Classroom

    Prerequisites: TESL 5600; EDIT 4300 or equivalent. Prepares students to integrate computers and apps in the language classroom; teaches how to design web pages and online courses with language learning goals. 

  • TESL 5660 - English Phonetics for Second Language Teachers

    Prerequisites: TESL 4000, TESL 5620. Englishphonetics and the phonetic phenomena that occur in the major languages of English languagelearners. A detailed study of the sounds and prosody of American English and other Englishes.

  • TESL 5670 - Language Testing

    Prerequisites: EDFN 5000, TESL 5600, TESL 5620. Analysis of testing and evaluation in second language programs; emphasis on designing effectiveclassroom-based assessments and evaluating  standardized test instruments used for assessing language proficiency.

  • TESL 5680 - Practicum in English as a Second Language

    Prerequisite: TESL 5640: Supervised field experience in teaching English as a second language.

  • TESL 5690 - Language Planning and Language Policy

    Prerequisite: TESL 5600. Survey of approaches to ESL/EFL language planning and policy including language maintenance, shift and standardization in multilingual and multicultural communities in the U.S. and abroad.

  • TESL 5700 - Educational Sociolinguistics

    In-depth study of language in relation to ideologies, attitudes, power, dialects, race, ethnicity, gender, identity, class, age, and globalization. Promotes awareness of the impact of these factors on language learners.

  • TESL 5710 - Discourse Analysis in the Language Classroom

    Prerequisite: TESL 5600. A sociolinguistic analysis of interactional patterns, expectations, and communication strategies in the language classroom; emphasis on current studies with some direct experience in discourse analysis as a legitimate research method. Special fee applied, refer to class schedule.

  • TESL 5720 - ESL/EFL Course, Syllabus and Materials Design

    Prerequisites: TESL 4000, TESL 5600, TESL 5620. Survey of approaches to ESL/EFL course and syllabus design including materials selection, adaptation, development, and evaluation.

  • TESL 5730 - Current Issues in Classroom Second Language Acquisition

    Prerequisites: EDFN 5000, TESL 5600. Current  issues as they illuminate the second language acquisition process in classrooms. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units for credit, with prior approval of a TESOL advisor.

  • TESL 5750 - EFL/ESL Reading-Writing Connections

    Prerequisites: TESL 5600, TESL 5620. This course examines EFL/ESL reading/writing theory and pedagogy in adult EFL/ESL classrooms and English for academic purposes classrooms in Intensive English Programs and community colleges.

  • TESL 5960 - Comprehensive Examination

    See the Comprehensive Examination in the requirements for the Masters Degree section of this catalog.

  • TESL 5970 - Graduate Research

    Prerequisite: EDFN 5000. May be repeated for credit. Graded CR/NC.

  • TESL 5980 - Graduate Directed Study

    Prerequisites: 3.0 GPA or better; consent of chair and instructor. Independent directed study of advanced topics in TESOL, regular conferences with sponsor. May be repeated for credit.

  • TESL 5990A - Thesis Planning

    Prerequisites: EDFN 4520, EDFN 5000; Advancement to Candidacy, written approval of thesis chair. Students will completed a draft of thesis/project proposal, selected a thesis/project committee, and submit all required paperwork. An IRB application, if applicable, should also be submitted for review. Graded CR/NC.

  • TESL 5990B - Thesis

    Prerequisites: TESL 5990 and written approval of thesis chair. Completion of the thesis or substantial progress toward completion under the direct supervision of the thesis committee. Graded CR/NC; repeatable up to 4 units.

  • TESL 5995A - Project Planning

    Prior to completion, students will have completed draft of project proposal, selected a project committee, and submitted draft of  project proposal to committee. Graded CR/NC.


  • TESL 5995B - Project

    Independent research resulting in a project. May be repeated once for credit. Required advisor approval. Graded CR/NC.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Doctoral)

(Doctoral Courses)

  • TESL 6000 - Language Planning and Policy

    Overview of language acquisition in educational settings; language planning with specific reference to local, state, national, and international educational contexts; historical, social, and theoretical perspectives on language policy and planning.


  • TESL 6020 - Academic Writing for Success in Doctoral Studies

    Prerequisite: Admission to Ed.D./Ph.D. programs. Focus on discourse awareness and strategies for improving academic writing in education disciplines and related subject areas. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 units. (Graded CR/NC) 

Technology (Undergraduate)

All 4000-level courses may be applied toward master’s degree requirements, subject to limits established by the department and approval of the graduate adviser.

  • TECH 4540 - Special Topics in Industrial Studies

    Current issues, problems, and interests in technology. May be repeated to maximum of 9 units as subject matter changes.

Technology (Graduate)

All 4000-level courses may be applied toward master’s degree requirements, subject to limits established by the department and approval of the graduate adviser. Classified graduate standing is required for admission to all 5000 level courses

  • TECH 5100 - Technology Forecasting and Assessment

    Concepts and methods of forecasting technology development, and methods of assessing social and environmental implications of using technology. 

  • TECH 5310 - Security Issues in the 21st Century

     Responses of organizations to modern security threats, including technology, legal issues, vulnerability assessments, terrorist activity, and interagency cooperation. 

  • TECH 5320 - Hazardous Material and Disaster Management

    Examination of regulatory issues, hazard analysis, contingency planning, response resources, policies and procedures, implementation, emergency information systems, tactical considerations, recovery and termination procedures and program evaluation. 

  • TECH 5410 - Leadership of Career and Technical Education and Training Programs

    Leadership of departments or colleges devoted to instruction in the areas of Technology Education, Career and Technical Education, and Industrial Training. Some course sections may be offered online.

  • TECH 5420 - Curriculum Development for Career and Technical Education and Training

    Development of curriculum and instruction in the areas of Technology Education, Career and Technical Education, and Industrial Training. Some course sections may be offered online.

  • TECH 5510 - Product Conceptualization and Realization

    Review of advanced product development process, including study of global collaboration and environmentally conscious design and manufacturing.  Case studies and virtual reality exercises using team-based product development efforts.

  • TECH 5520 - Six Sigma for Manufacturing

    Provide background and knowledge base of Six Sigma quality and process-improvement methodologies and its applications in manufacturing sectors.  Emphasis will be placed on DMAIC improvement cycle.

  • TECH 5530 - Manufacturing Decision Making

    This course covers the basic tools used in engineering economic decision making, decision tree analysis, reliability and probabilistic risk assessment, and cost-benefit mechanisms.

  • TECH 5540 - Manufacturing Production Control

    Analytical principles of manufacturing systems design, analysis and control. Emphasis is placed on stochastic analysis; role of variability and impact on cycle time; push versus pull production strategies including Kanban and constant WIP control; probability, queuing theory, Little’s Law, heavy traffic approximation and queuing networks.

  • TECH 5550 - Quality Assurance and Root Cause Analysis

    A study of the functions and responsibilities of the quality organization. TQM, ISO, and Root Cause Analysis concepts, and the tools for continuous improvement are analyzed for sequence of use and deployment.

  • TECH 5710 - LEED Green and Energy Audit

    Topics in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) addressing design, construction, operations and maintenance of buildings and communities toward sustainability. Includes principles and practices of energy monitoring and audit.

  • TECH 5720 - Autonomous Vehicles and Smart Infrastructure

    Autonomous Vehicles: technology, sensors, applications and legal, social and economic implications. Smart Infrastructure: traffic control, vehicle-to-vehicle, vehicle-to-infrastructure communication and data security.

  • TECH 5900 - Research Development for Technology Leadership

    Prerequisite: TECH 5100.   Integration and application of research theories and skills to technology leadership research.  Students design and plan a research study including proposal, literature review and critical analysis.

  • TECH 5960 - Comprehensive Examination

    Prerequisite: Permission needed by Department. Students should take this examination the semester they complete all coursework on their program and must comply with college and department requirements.

  • TECH 5980 - Graduate Directed Study

    Independent study of advanced topics in field; regular conferences with sponsor. May be repeated to maximum of 6 units.

  • TECH 5990 - Thesis

    Independent research resulting in a thesis or project. Must be repeated to total of 3 units. Graded CR/NC.

  • TECH 5995 - Project

    Prerequisites: Instructor consent to act as sponsor, departmental approval of topic prior to registration. Independent research resulting in a project.  Graded CR/NC.

Television, Film and Media Studies (Undergraduate)

  • JOUR 2490 - Announcing

    On-air techniques for reading and reporting radio and television news.

  • JOUR 2920 - Introduction to News Writing and Reporting

    Prerequisite: GE Block A3. Introduction to news writing and reporting. News sources, collection of news, acceptable forms for news stories, news reporting styles and journalism ethics.


    CI-D JOUR 110:
    The University course listed above articulates with any California Community College (CCC) course that is approved by the C-ID program and given the corresponding “C-ID Course” designation listed here. The articulation is one-way articulation, meaning the approved community college course will articulate for the indicated course credit at the four-year university. Articulation does NOT apply from the four-year institution to the community college or between the four-year institutions.

  • JOUR 2950 - Journalism Production

    Prerequisites: TVF 1200, TVF 2000, JOUR 2920. Course instructs students in the technical production techniques associated with professional news content. These techniques include audio/video recording best practices used in both field and studio production. Course will also cover use and operation of integrated studio management programs, and editorial news management software required to produce professional news content.

  • JOUR 3400 - Interviewing For News Media

    Prerequisites: Upper Division standing; Two of the following courses: JOUR 2920, TVF 2000, TVF 3000. Practicum in preparing for and conducting interviews for news media. Analysis of interview techniques. Includes ethical and legal parameters involved in interview processes and outcomes.

  • JOUR 3500 - Race, Class and Gender in American Journalism

    Prerequisites: GE Block A3; JOUR 2920. An exploration of the role of race, class and gender in U.S. journalism and their impact on news content, analyzing historical and current media approaches and practices.

  • JOUR 3910 - University Times

    Prerequisite: JOUR 2920for TVF majors . The development and practice of skills in the journalistic craft of reporting, writing and editing nonfiction. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 2 hours. May be repeated up to 6 units.

  • JOUR 4740 - Television News Field Production

    Prerequisites: TVF 2000, TVF 2010. Practicum in production of stories that make up TV newscast.  Emphasis on research, production and revision of video stories under deadlines, meeting exacting standards of broadcast TV news. Lecture 2 hours, Activity 2 hours.

  • JOUR 4750 - Television News Studio Production

    Prerequisites: TVF 2000, TVF 2010. Practicum in television news/magazine segment production. Students produce a 30 min. newscast of previously recorded stories and other materials. May be repeated up to  6 units. Lecture 2 hours, activity 2 hours.

  • JOUR 4820 - Digital Journalism

    Prerequisites: JOUR 2920 and 3 units of upper division TVF production coursework. Students learn to identify stories, research, write, produce and publish to the web a wide range of journalism content consisting of text, audio, video, animation and other computer-based communications.

  • JOUR 4920 - Radio and Television News Writing

    Prerequisites: TVF 1100, JOUR 2920. Analysis and preparation of local news and commercials, introductions and special news features for radio and television.

  • JOUR 4950 - Sports Broadcasting

    Prerequisites: JOUR 2920 and one of the following: JOUR 3910, TVF 1200, TVF 2000, TVF 2010 or JOUR 3400. Sports Broadcasting examines the world of electronic sports coverage from high school through professional and international ranks. Instruction centers on multi-media formats, writing, reporting, on-air delivery as well as the ethical, legal and cultural impact of sports journalism on society.

  • JOUR 4970 - Journalism Capstone

    Prerequisites: 45 units of JOUR option satisfactorily completed, instructor’s approval.  Culminating undergraduate academic project: student completes a journalistic project utilizing a wide range of skills learned in undergraduate career which demonstrate a high degree of professionalism and facility. Activity 2 hours.

  • TVF 1000 - Media in Everyday Life

    Prerequisite: TVF major or pre-major only. A critical introduction to media studies with an emphasis on understanding contemporary media industries and technologies as well as the mediated evolution of individual and cultural identities.


    CI-D JOUR 100:
    The University course listed above articulates with any California Community College (CCC) course that is approved by the C-ID program and given the corresponding “C-ID Course” designation listed here. The articulation is one-way articulation, meaning the approved community college course will articulate for the indicated course credit at the four-year university. Articulation does NOT apply from the four-year institution to the community college or between the four-year institutions.

  • TVF 1100 - Media Writing

    Prerequisite: TVF major or TVF pre-major only; GE Block A3. Analysis and practice of forms of writing for and about media, including argumentative writing, reviews and essays.  Strategies for writing close textual analyses of television and film are emphasized. Lecture 2 hours, activity 2 hours.

  • TVF 1200 - Introduction to Audio

    Prerequisite: TVF major or pre-major only. Through class lectures, reading and lab projects, the students will gain an understanding of how sound functions in film, television and radio. Students will be exposed to different types of microphones, recording devices and recording techniques. They will gain a basic knowledge of the equipment that is used to capture the sound for these mediums and have hands on experience doing so.  Lecture 2 hours, activity 2 hours.

  • TVF 1938 - History of Comic Books (EFFECTIVE TERM: SPRING 2020)

    This class is a survey of the development of comic book art focusing on the artists, institutions and communities that have sustained and changed it. The course highlights how the medium has acted as a vehicle for marginalized populations seeking artistic agency and as a forum both to uphold and challenge socially normative ideas and imagery.

    GE C1 (d)

  • TVF 2000 - Introduction to Digital Media

    Prerequisite: TVF major or TVF pre-major only. An introduction to the fundamental production skills and aesthetics of audio, video/television, film and new media. Topics include pre-production planning, camera operation, location lighting, sound and editing. Lecture 2 hours, activity 2 hours.

  • TVF 2010 - Introduction to Studio Production

    Prerequisite: TVF major or pre-major only. Introduction to television production facilities, equipment and techniques. Principles of directing, camera, sound, control room operations. Lecture  2 hours, activity 2 hours.

  • TVF 2260 - A Journey Through World Cinema

    (also listed as ENGL 2260)
    Critical survey of world cinema as art and cultural artifact. Provides critical methodology and practical tools for analyzing and interpreting international film movements, genres and themes.

    GE C1

  • TVF 2500 - Media, Culture and Identity

    Explores the social construction of gender, class, “racial”/ethnic, sexual, national and consumer identity, emphasizing the role of the media in identity formation. Takes historical, sociological, psychological, political, economic and ideological approach.

    GE D (d)


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