Jul 03, 2024  
University Catalog 2019-2020 
University Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


History (Undergraduate)

Upper division standing is prerequisite to all 3000 and 4000-level history courses, unless otherwise noted.

All 4000-level courses may be applied toward master’s degree requirements, subject to limits established by the department and approval of the graduate adviser.

  • HIST 4775 - American Religious History

    (also listed as RELS 4775)
    Principal religious figures, groups, issues, and movements in U.S. history, with an emphasis on their place in the development of American culture.

  • HIST 4780 - History of United States International Relations

    International relations of the US with emphasis on the 20th century.

  • HIST 4790 - Constitutional History of United States

    U.S. Constitution and American constitutionalism from colonial times to present.

  • HIST 4800 - Ethnicity and Immigration in American History

    Role of national, racial, and religious minority groups, and of immigration, in American history.

  • HIST 4810 - Special Topics in the U.S. West

    Special topics lectures about history of the West; e.g., the Westward Movement, the urban West, Southwestern history, and women in the West. May be repeated for credit as topic changes.

  • HIST 4820 - History of US Popular Culture

    Examination of popular culture, folk culture, and mass media from the 19th century to the present, emphasizing themes of race, immigration, gender, social class, globalization, and the meaning of happiness.


  • HIST 4830 - Poverty and Anti-Poverty in American History

    Prerequisite: Upper Division standing. The history and politics of poverty in America; anti-poverty strategies of the state, religious organizations, labor unions, grass-roots organizations, and the poor themselves. Four hours of lecture/discussion; service learning option.

  • HIST 4840 - Civil War and Reconstruction

    Forces that split the Union; slavery, war, and the position of blacks; Reconstruction and its failures.

  • HIST 4850 - U.S. Women to 1877

    Social, intellectual, economic, and political experiences of U.S. women from preconquest to 1877.

  • HIST 4860 - U.S. Women, 1877 to the Present

    Social, intellectual, economic, and political experiences of U.S. women, 1877 to present.

  • HIST 4870 - History of U.S. Work and Working People

    Transformation of work and social and political relations of workers in the U.S. from 1600 to the present.

  • HIST 4890 - Los Angeles

    Development of Los Angeles and its metropolitan areas from pueblo times to present.

  • HIST 4900 - Research Capstone: Special Studies in History

    Prerequisites: HIST 3080, HIST 3090. Undergraduate research seminar on a specific period, theme or episode in history.  Individual historical research, article-length original essay, and written and oral reports.  May repeated up to six units for credit as topic changes.


  • HIST 4910 - Historical Thinking and Learning: Theory and Practice

    Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and department chair. Students connect readings on historical thinking and learning with peer-mentoring service in an introductory-level history course. Includes host-course attendance, written reflection, activity design, and seminar meetings. May be repeated once for credit.

  • HIST 4950 - Internship in Applied History

    Prerequisite: HIST 3090. Internship in which students apply their skills as historians in work with a community partner.  May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units.

  • HIST 4960 - Issues in Teaching History-Social Science

    Prerequisites: HIST 3000, ((HIST 3880, HIST 3090) or (LBS 3010, LBS 3600)). Explores issues and concepts involved in teaching History-Social Science in California public schools.

  • HIST 4970 - Editing and Publishing Perspectives

    Prerequisites: HIST 3090 and Consent of instructor. Techniques and practice in editing and producing a scholarly journal of research and review. May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units.

  • HIST 4990 - Undergraduate Directed Study

    Prerequisite: Consent of an instructor to act as sponsor. Project selected in conference with sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly, and a final report submitted. May be repeated to maximum of 6 units as topic changes.

History (Graduate)

All 4000-level courses may be applied toward master’s degree requirements, subject to limits established by the department and approval of the graduate adviser. Classified graduate standing is required for admission for all 5000-level courses.

  • HIST 5000 - Introduction to Graduate Study in History

    Prerequisite: HIST 3080 or equivalent. Introduction to theoretical and historiographical issues relevant to graduate study in history.

  • HIST 5010 - Seminar: Special Studies

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Topics of special interest that transcend cultural and chronological lines, as announced in Schedule of Classes. May be repeated for credit as subject matter changes.

  • HIST 5050 - Seminar: World History

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in world, global, transnational, and/or comparative history.

  • HIST 5100 - Seminar: Ancient History

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in Greek or Roman history. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5200 - Seminar: History of Middle Ages

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in the history of the Middle Ages. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5250 - Seminar: Early Modern European History

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in early modern European history. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5300 - Seminar: Recent European History

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in recent European history. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5350 - Seminar: Russian History

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in Russian history. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5400 - Seminar: Modern African History

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Explores the political, social, economic, and cultural history of modern Africa; abolition of the slave trade; European colonialism; Africa in the World Wars; decolonization; independence; and development of African states.

  • HIST 5450 - Seminar: Middle Eastern History

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in Middle Eastern history. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5550 - Seminar: Recent Asian History

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in recent Asian history. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5600 - History of Colonial Latin America

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in the colonial history of Latin America.

  • HIST 5610 - History of Modern Latin America

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and historiography paper on selected topics in the history of modern Latin America.

  • HIST 5650 - Seminar: History of Mexico

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in Mexican history. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5700 - Seminar: Early History of U.S.

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in the early history of the United States. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5750 - Seminar: Recent History of U.S.

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in the recent history of the United States. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5770 - Seminar: American Social and Intellectual History

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in American social and intellectual history. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5780 - Seminar: History of the U.S. West

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Readings, discussion, and paper on topics in history of the U.S. West. May be repeated for credit.

  • HIST 5800 - The Historian as Public Intellectual

    Prerequisites: Completion of 9 units of 5000-level coursework. This course allows advanced graduate students to explore how academic historians relate to wider audiences.

  • HIST 5910 - Capstone Preparation for Comprehensive Examinations

    Prerequisites: HIST 5000 and permission of instructor. Students work with a member of their comprehensive examination committee to complete a capstone summation of their work in that field of specialty and prepare for the comprehensive exam. May be repeated to a maximum of 3 units.

  • HIST 5940 - Seminar in Historical Research and Writing

    Prerequisite: HIST 5000 or equivalent. Seminar in historical research methods and writing, culminating in a written research project.

  • HIST 5960 - Comprehensive Examination

    See the Comprehensive Examination in the requirements for the Masters Degree section of this catalog.

  • HIST 5980 - Graduate Directed Study

    Prerequisites: HIST 5000 and instructor consent to act as sponsor. Independent study of advanced topics in field; regular conferences with sponsor. May be repeated for credit to a maximum of 6 units.

  • HIST 5990 - Thesis

    Prerequisites: Advancement to Candidacy, HIST 5000, HIST 5940, instructor consent to act as thesis director, and departmental approval of topic prior to registration. Independent research resulting in a thesis. Must be repeated to total of 4 units. Graded CR/NC.

Honors (Undergraduate)

  • HNRS 1010 - Introduction to Academic Inquiry in the Honors College

    Co-requisites: HNRS 1100. Explores ways of knowing across the disciplines; introduces students to Honors College learning goals; examines strategies for undergraduate success, including civic learning and problem solving. Graded ABC-/NC.  

    GE E (cl) (IHE)

  • HNRS 1100 - Reading Los Angeles: Communication in the City of Angels

    Explores oral communication through analysis, synthesis, and presentation of discourse in a public forum, focusing on oral communication about and in the global metropolis. 

    GE A1

  • HNRS 1200 - Reading Los Angeles: Engaging Cultural Expressions in a Global City

    Explores cultural expression and creativity in globalized urban contexts. Interdisciplinary exploration of artistic and creative expression (literature, art, theater, dance, film, music, and other cultural forms) in Los Angeles.

    GE C1

  • HNRS 1300 - Reading Los Angeles: Community and Structure in the Metropolis

    Strategies for understanding the social, political, economic, and cultural structures and processes that shape the modern metropolis. 

    GE D (cl)

  • HNRS 2200 - Science and Fiction

    Examination of cultural representations of science in genres such as science fiction, and exploration of how science is shaped by cultural beliefs.

    GE C2 (wi)

  • HNRS 2210 - Critical Questions and Challenging Texts

    Examination of enduring and emerging questions critical to understanding the diversity and complexity of the human search for meaning, value, and purpose through study of challenging historical and contemporary texts.

    GE C2 (wi)

  • HNRS 2300 - Social Innovation and Civic Engagement

    This multidisciplinary course focuses on the understanding, practice and implementation of social innovation and civic engagement in providing creative solutions to social, political and ecological issues, locally, nationally and internationally.

    GE D

  • HNRS 2900 - Honors Declaration

    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing in the Honors College; minimum 3.3GPA. Students must complete this course prior to or concurrently with their first upper division Honors College course. Students complete and submit an Honors Declaration document. Graded CR/NC.

  • HNRS 3200 - Humanities Approaches to Race, Ethnicity, and “Wicked” Problems

    Prerequisites: Completion of GE 4 basic subjects and a course each from lower division Blocks B, C and D; pre/co-requisite: HNRS 2900. Interdisciplinary approaches to studying race, ethnicity, and a complex “wicked problem”-such as gentrification, human rights, or the HIV/AIDS pandemic-from the perspective of the arts and humanities.

    GE UD C (re) (wi)

  • HNRS 3250 - Human Rights and Literature

    Prerequisite: Upper division Honors College standing. Examination of how literature contributes to the conceptualization of human rights; discussing the ethics of storytelling in relation to global human rights issues, analyzing formal and cultural distinctions across a variety of genres.


  • HNRS 3300 - Addressing “Wicked” Problems through the Social Sciences: A Case Study in Diverse Communities

    Prerequisites: Completion of GE 4 basic subjects and a course each from lower division Blocks B, C and D; pre/co-requisite: HNRS 2900. This course provides an interdisciplinary approach to a complex “wicked problem”- such as food justice and social and economic inequality in diverse ethnic communities-from the social sciences perspective.

    GE UD D (cl) (d)

  • HNRS 3350 - Global Citizenship: Voices and Contexts

    Prerequisite: Upper division Honors College standing. Analysis of globalization’s historical roots and political, economic, and cultural consequences, comparing novelistic, personal, and social-scientific perspectives; highlights dislocations, conflicts, opportunities, and transformations resulting from global migrations.


  • HNRS 3400 - Addressing “Wicked” Problems: A Natural Sciences Case Study

    Prerequisites: Completion of GE 4 basic subjects and a course each from lower division Blocks B, C and D; pre/co-requisite: HNRS 2900. This course is an in-depth study on a significant environmental and biological problem that has complex interactions with and profound impacts on our ecosystem and human society.

    GE UD B (cl) ——————-Effectve Spring 2020

  • HNRS 4950 - Honors College Thesis: Research and Prospectus

    Prerequisites: Senior standing in the Honors College; minimum 3.3GPA. Advanced research methods, writing the thesis prospectus, designing a research plan, and writing a literature review.

  • HNRS 4960 - Honors College Thesis and Senior Forum

    Prerequisites: HNRS 4950; Senior standing in the Honors College, 3.3GPA or better. Interdisciplinary undergraduate research course devoted to completion and presentation of senior projects and theses connected with the learning goals of the Honors College, for students who completed HNRS 4950.

  • HNRS 4970 - Honors College Senior Forum

    Prerequisites: Senior standing in the Honors College; submission of an Honors thesis prospectus; minimum 3.3GPA. Interdisciplinary undergraduate research course devoted to completion and presentation of senior projects and theses, for students who completed a prospectus using an Honors Contract. Consultation with a major advisor is strongly encouraged prior to enrollment.

  • HNRS 4990 - Honors College Undergraduate Directed Study

    Prerequisites: Consent of Honors College faculty mentor and Director/Associate Director; minimum 3.30 GPA. Course allowing completion of an undergraduate research, scholarly, creative, or community engagement project or activity with faculty mentorship. Consultation with major advisor is strongly encouraged prior to enrollment. Graded CR/NC.

Information Systems (Undergraduate)

Upper division standing is prerequisite to enrollment in 3000- and 4000- level CIS courses.


  • CIS 1200 - Information and Technology Literacy

    (also listed as CS 1200)

    Development of Information and technology competency through knowledge of computer hardware, systems software, telecommunication networks, application software, web page creation, and ethical and societal implications.  Personal computer software suite activities.


    C-ID ITIS 120/BUS 140:
    The University course listed above articulates with any California Community College (CCC) course that is approved by the C-ID program and given the corresponding “C-ID Course” designation listed here. The articulation is one-way articulation, meaning the approved community college course will articulate for the indicated course credit at the four-year university. Articulation does NOT apply from the four-year institution to the community college or between the four-year institutions.

  • CIS 2830 - Introduction to Application Programming

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200. Introduction to structured and object-oriented programming including variables, declarations, statements, expressions, classes, methods, decisions structures, loops, and arrays.

  • CIS 3010 - Management Information Systems

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200 or equivalent. Organizational context of computer-based information systems; common application systems; information architecture; user role in systems development; social and ethical implications.

  • CIS 3050 - Database Design and Development

    Prerequisites: Knowledge of Microsoft Windows and programming language. Role of databases in information systems; data modeling using entity-relationship analysis; relational databases concepts, design, development and management; normalization; SQL; implementation of databases applications.

  • CIS 3060 - Systems Analysis and Design

    Prerequisite: CIS 3050. Life cycle and methodologies; requirements determination, logical design, physical design, test and implementation planning, and performance evaluation; communication and interpersonal skills; analysis methods and tools; impact of emerging technologies.

  • CIS 3090 - Cybersecurity Awareness

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200 or equivalent or permission of instructor. Introductory awareness course is for anyone interested in Cybersecurity with focus on basic security concepts, applications, and hands-on tools for security of computers and information systems.

  • CIS 3200 - Data Processing and Analytics

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200 or equivalent. Intensive and hands-on instruction in using software applications including spreadsheet, database management, application integration, data mining, data visualization and e-collaboration in the cloud environment.

  • CIS 3610 - Web Design and Development

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200 or equivalent. An introduction to E-business infrastructure, issues and development. Programming for the web and web publishing tools. Hands-on projects reflect problem-solving skills in the E-business world.

  • CIS 3620 - Mobile Web Development

    This course will cover concepts of mobile web development, the creation of mobile websites and application of mobile frameworks.

  • CIS 3830 - Multimedia and Game Application Programming

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200 or equivalent. Introduction to the development of gaming applications in multimedia environments using software developmental tools. Hands-on projects reflect the real-world entertainment industry.

  • CIS 3850 - Systems and Network Administration

    Systems architecture and networking fundamentals; design, implementation and operation of a networked server center; user support and resource management; internetworking and interfacing with the Internet. Hands-on installation of a popular server-level operating system.

  • CIS 3980 - Undergraduate Directed Study

    (also listed as UNIV 3980)
    Total CIS 3980 and 4980 units for the Computer Information Systems major may not exceed 6 and require adviser approval.

  • CIS 4040 - Data Privacy

    This course covers the principles and foundations of data protection; organizational policies regarding data privacy; law of computer technology and software privacy.

  • CIS 4100 - Hardware and Software Architecture

    Analysis of contemporary information technology architectures and environments, including: multi-tiered client/server architectures; enterprise, workgroup, and personal systems hardware and operating systems; and systems and program planning and development tools.

  • CIS 4110 - Intro Health Informatics

    This course will cover concepts of healthcare informatics, requirements for health information systems and challenges and issues in healthcare informatics. CR / NC

  • CIS 4150 - Foundations of Business Intelligence

    This course provides to students an overview of business intelligence; text and web mining; case studies in business intelligence and hands-on experience using BI-tools.

  • CIS 4200 - Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse

    Prerequisite: CIS 3010. Technical coverage on multidimensional data models and business intelligence; transforming enterprise data and social media data into useful enterprise information using BI tools; hands-on experience building enterprise data warehouses

  • CIS 4210 - Healthcare Data Analytics

    This course addresses challenges in dealing with healthcare data; data-driven decisions for healthcare and provides hands-on experience to apply BI skills for healthcare data analysis.

  • CIS 4220 - Routing Configuration and Router Administration

    Prerequisite: CIS 4840 or equivalent. Introduction to WANs, Cisco router and its configuration, Cisco internetworking operating system (IOS), static and dynamic routing protocols, intermediate TCP/IP, ACLS, and basic router troubleshooting. Hands-on projects help students to establish the direct experience on router configurations. Preparation for CCNA Routing and Switching certification & CompTIA Network+ certification.

  • CIS 4230 - Intermediate Routing and LAN Switching

    Prerequisite: CIS 4840 or equivalent. Introduction to LANs, cabling, classless IP addressing techniques: CIDR, subnetting, LAN switching and design, switch configuration, Spanning Tree protocol, VLANs, VLAN trunking protocol, analyzing computer networks, and troubleshooting.  Hands-on projects help students to establish the direct experience on switching configurations. Preparation for CCNA Routing and Switching certification & CompTIA Network+ certification.

  • CIS 4240 - Wide Area Networks

    Prerequisite: CIS 4840 or equivalent. Introduction to WANs, WAN physical and data link protocols, WAN connections, Internet access with dial-up/DSL/Cable TV modems, Remote access servers, PPP, ISDN, DDR, T-carrier, SONET, Frame Relay, ATM, Carrier Ethernet, VPNs, WAN routing, LAN/WAN design & Integration , Internet data traffic analysis, Internet application services,  and network management. Preparation for CCNA & CompTIA Network+ certifications.

  • CIS 4250 - Business Intelligence Applications

    This course provides application of business intelligence and BI tools in a business environment where students work from initial requirements to final implementation.

  • CIS 4370 - Security Risk Management and Internal Controls

    (also listed as ACCT 4370)
    Prerequisite: CIS 3010. Introduction to information security risk management including internal controls, operations security, risk assessment, incident management, business continuity and disaster recovery planning, legal issues and ethics, information security program development.

  • CIS 4380 - Computer Forensics and Investigations

    (also listed as ACCT 4380)
    Prerequisite: CIS 3010. Introduction to selected techniques and tools for computer forensics and investigations. Topics include coverage of the latest technology. Hands-on activities allow students to practice skills as they are learned.

  • CIS 4450 - Network Application Development

    Prerequisite: CIS 3050. Design and implementation of multiuser business applications emphasizing client/server technology.

  • CIS 4510 - Fundamentals of ERP Technology

    Prerequisite: CIS 3010 or equivalent. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) database analysis; ERP fundamentals and functionality; ERP systems applications architecture contexts; business processes integration and data reuse hands-on projects using ERP software.

  • CIS 4520 - Contemporary ERP Technology

    Students will learn about the contemporary ERP technology with hands-on experience using SAP ERP university alliances curriculum materials.

  • CIS 4540 - Special Topics in Computer Information Systems

    Prerequisite: Varies with topic; see Schedule of Classes for specific prerequisite. In-depth presentation and analysis of topics significant to contemporary business world; lectures, discussions, speakers, and research projects. May be repeated for credit to maximum of 6 units.

  • CIS 4550 - Visual Basic .NET Database Application

    Prerequisite: CIS 2830. Introduction to Database and Web connection using Object-oriented programming, Visual Basic .NET, including classes, objects, variables, web application, data access and storage, Database connection, and ASP.NET. CAN CSCI 8

  • CIS 4560 - Introduction to Big Data

    Prerequisite: CIS 2830. Practical knowledge of Big Data.  How to process and store Big Data using MapReduce and NoSQL DB.  Includes hands-on examples.

  • CIS 4570 - Advanced Java Programming

    Prerequisite: CIS 2830. Introduction to application programming with Java.  Advanced object-oriented programming for business applications in Java, including applications vs applets, classes, objects, methods, inheritance, interfaces, arrays, multimedia, exceptions, threads, GUIs, and databases.

  • CIS 4580 - E-business Application Development with Oracle

    Prerequisites: CIS 3050, CIS 2830. Introduction to technical architecture and technology solutions required to implement e-business applications in the real world. Includes fundamentals of database application development, connectivity, embedded SQL, and server-side technology.

  • CIS 4590 - Advanced Information Systems Development

    Prerequisite: CIS 3010. Design and implementation of an information system; development in an object-based programming and relational data base enterprise environment; group project.

  • CIS 4610 - PHP Web Development in Business

    This course will provide students an opportunity to learn how to build up a small social networking sites using WAMP/LAMP.

  • CIS 4720 - Wireless Communications and Networks

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200 or equivalent. Provides an introduction to wireless communication systems, including WPANs, WLANs, WMANs, WWANs, WSNs, and wireless local loop. Wireless architecture and technologies, QoS, security, multimedia, and business applications will be discussed.

  • CIS 4730 - Network Security Essentials and Practice

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200 or equivalent. Introduction to practical computer and network security. Hands-on projects help students to establish the direct experience of using a large array of software program tools on information system security.

  • CIS 4760 - Project Planning with Microsoft Project

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200 or equivalent. The course covers the four phases in the life cycle of a typical project development: initiating, planning executing and closing. Discusses principles associated with effective project management and how to apply these principles in a business environment. Students will become familiar with commonly available compute] software tools, and apply the material to a real world project. This is a project based course, and has a significant hands-on component.

  • CIS 4810 - Healthcare Application Systems

    Prerequisite: CIS 3010. Technical coverage of healthcare application systems including healthcare system workflow, infrastructure, evaluation, clinical and patient data structures, Healthcare Level 7 protocol and hands-on experience with healthcare applications.

  • CIS 4840 - Communications Systems

    Prerequisite: CIS 1200 or equivalent. Data communications and local area network topics including communications theory, communication hardware and software, TCP/IP, Internet infrastructure and standards, LANs, WANs, cloud computing and Internet security.

  • CIS 4850 - Computer Networks

    Prerequisite: CIS 4840. Networking fundamentals, design and implementation of LANs, server installations and management, user and resource management, internetworking; virtualizations; cloud computing. 

  • CIS 4860 - Managing Information Systems Projects

    Prerequisite: CIS 3060. Effective behavioral and technical methods used in managing information systems development over the project life cycle.


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